Question about battles in 1619 and 1620

From: Dick Kingman <>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 18:14:19 -0400

Is there any published (or otherwise) information on the Lunar campaign against Kethela and Hendrikiland in 1619 and 1620? I have read the short section in King of Sartar (p. 148-149). It does not mention any specific field battles in the campaign. From that I gather the only major field battles may have been in early 1619 against the army of Volsaxland and sometime in 1620 against whatever forces may have been raised against the Lunars in Hendrikiland. There are a few sieges mentioned, but no field battles.

Is there any more detailed information than this available?

It is Fire season of 1619 and the PCs in my game are heading to Hendrikiland to aid against the Lunars. I was hoping to involve them in a large field battle. From what I can gather from King of Sartar, they will have to wait until 1620 to participate in a main battle.

Thanks for any help,
Dick Kingman

(also posted to HeroWars list)

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