>Me>"forced" is wrong. The Heortlanders freely accepted the
> >Pharaoh with only a minority (the future Volsaxi and Quivini
> >tribes) dissenting.
>Killing the king and returning him as a pharaonic creature is close enough
>to "forcing".
He didn't return as a Pharaonic creature. That is simply Sartarite abuse. Andrin returned with newly acquired wisdom and used that to bless his people.
>The Heortlanders like to think that they freely accepted the Pharaoh.
Do you have anything to show that they are mistaken apart from the Sartarite slander? Or would you use what the Sartarites say about Tarsh to infer that they actually are slaves of the Red Moon?
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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