Mystery of Seven Winds, Kingship of Orlanth

Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 00:44:16 +0900

Titles of Heortling High Kingship

"It stems from the voluntary appointment of an individual into a position of power. It is inherent in the nature of people to find it difficult to agree together and this is reflected in the stormy and tumultuous ways of the airy gods. Strength and the right to rule stems from below, ...." (Wyrm's Footprint p.76 Cosmic Kingship)

It seems that on the contrary of Yelmic Culture, the Orlanthi of South Peloria and Dragonpass choose their boss by more practical neediness. And their (High) Kingship were rather anomalous without consistency of tradition. So maybe such work is meaningless trying to grasp their consistency of "the Firsts of their Society" not like the Yelmic Emperorship in the article of Yelmic Cult in Fortunate Succession.

And about the High Kingship, both Dar and Vingkot High King Subcult (Thunder Rebels) haven't concerned it, maybe the rite of true High Kingship was lost, (or did never exist or perfectly changed after the many cataclysm.) I think the rite was originally
related to the bloodline of Vingkot and Kodig. (I think though the membership concept of Kodigvari in Gwandorling Saga may certainly a good idea, it will make difficult to explain about why they Esrolians eventually banished their kinfolk and didn't choose to Kingship.

High King (Irish-Celtic Ald-Rie?)

*Storm Age
Era of Vingkot
Vingkot has a power that "none could stand against him. (Jeff Richard, enclosure p.17)" and his people were rather demigods than mere humans. They built Great Fortresses which their descendants could not make such large scale works. And later King Heort and Andrin revised the Law and Custom suited to Mortality which Heortling had gained during the Great Darkness.

Era of Kodig
Kodig and their family (bloodline?) have established only the Kodigvari could make original Leader of Vingkotling, (Enclosure) I don't know the meaning of this restriction enough, and how the qualification should be extended in the Legendary Age (I think History always let authority make abuse of precedence), anyway, after Sword and Helm were separated and Esrolvuli expelled all pro-traditional Vingkotling, there was no High Kings among Vingkotling.

*Great Darkness
Era of Rastagar
Before or After, Heortling and Haranding fought for the territory though both of them were Orlanthi and followed similar custom. I don't know well about the origin of other Orlanthi aside from Vingkotling, (though it seems many of them insisted the blood of the Great God.) If Kinstrife of Vingkotling was the consequence inevitable on the following of the custom of "Only Kodigvari
Kings." And later King Heort reformed it by making Priesthood and Custom of Rings and share authority among them.
"and the King relied so little on them he might have been atheist. His entire life was spent fighting against trolls and chaos, and even without the gods he was successful at it." (Enclosure)

*Silver Age
Era of Heort
Though they seems to have ruled much larger area than Heortlings of later Age, Great Darkness damaged greatly the population of them as their neighborhood other folks and demihumans. (Maybe sparsely populated (around thousands population? (TR) and many remnants of Great Darkness. I think that was similar size of modern Glorantha for population in each 17C Heortling tribes with very large territory.) And their "Lightbringer" missionaries hadn't succeeded if they worked in the "overcrowded" status of 2nd Age and / or Lunar Empire. Heort and Andrin established almost all fundamental customs for Humanity. And his High Kingship was handed down by each qualified people of different Heortling tribes after the extinct of Winter Deer (Anaxial Roster). (I don't know what kind of qualification, but it seems there were no Female Heortling highkings in Enclosure Highking List in the Dawn.) Maybe it explains High Kings were chosen from Warriors. And Dawn Age Heortlings held much more magic affecting the area around them than modern 17C Sartari. Or they exaggerate their influence.

*Dawn Age
Era of Harandangian
Much Conflict in Winter Tribes against Talastarings, I don't know what kind of custom was followed before Harmast in each of Sacred Times, (for Harmast started the Lightbringer's Quest in the modern form.) Heortling High Kings were chosen from both sympathizer and traditionalists against Councilic way. And after the Council was broken, Heortlings have often appeared as an ally of Dragonewts and Trolls in the manner of Winter Tribe.

>> And what about the relationship between the Trollish Demigod and
>> Volsaxi before Pharaoh came?
>> Historically, Heort was a friend of OOO...but "No one can make
>> me (do) anything."

>I guess that as close neighbours their relationship was somewhat
>strained. But the same goes for practically all neighbourhood

Era of Garindath
The War went worse, and rather Berenethtelli Heroes led the whole Heortling rather than High Kings. Hendreik the Freeman firstly started Outlaw Companies. (I don't know where he founded it, but IIRC, Joerg once commented that was near of Snakepipe Hollow, and later they moved to Old Highland (Modern Heortland?).

Era of Owenreth (Storm Tribe p.236 & Enclosure) Arkat was rescued from Underworld, came and liberated Heortlings. I don't know how much damage was forced during Gbaji War, but Hendreiki seemed to offer shelter to refugees (or true outlaws as modern Gyffir of Hidden Gale?)

*EWF aka Youf
Era of Harasaran (Dragonpass History)
>From mere Religious Title to Political Figure,
by the purge (scapegoating?) of Arkati Influence, Heortling King gradually regained much influence in Orlanthland gained Independence from support (Oppression?) of OOO. I don't know how was the condition in the east of Chorarinthor Bay during that age.

From Glorantha: Introduction to HW p.143, "A shadowy brotherhood devoted to Black Arkat exists in Heortland but its temple location is hidden. Its human worshippers are the eyes and ears of Ezkankekko in the land."

So I think Kitori and Black Arkati held great influence to Heortland (Hendrikiland) under the Kingdom of Night Era.

Era of Orlmandan
Conflict Priests versus Kings. I don't how treated Dragonic Priests Heortling Highkings after they killed him. Rule of Puppet Masters or Vacancy of the Throne? Anyway, in EWF, Priests ruled their social structure and much mundane affairs, and such status let them keep large population for large cities and unity of large area without straying from Heortling Way. But there was another trap.....

*Alakoringa High Kings
Era of Alakoring
Much Ralian Influence. (Maybe Alakoring didn't know the concept of High King. TR p.246, I think thought-provoking his subcult was Latin word "Rex"...)

 I don't know whether there was united kingdom under him or not. (Or Alakoring abandoned his companions several times as Arkat moving from Halikiv (?), Lankst, Delela and flying over to Nidan Mountains, Aggar, Elder Wild and Dragonpass....)
But at least his influence was so great that later of the people of Orlanthi north of Death Line have called themselves Alakorings. (P. S. His Crown was lost in Balazar. Very Strong Magical Treasure Containing Order to Priests?)

Jorg Baumgartner on the founding of Orlanth Rex
>In my opinion what Alakoring did was to take the giant tribes (modern
examples would be the Tarsh tribe under Yanasdros or the Hendriki tribe)
>and split them into smaller tribes.
>As far as I know, the Second Age Orlanthi were organized in large tribes
controlled mainly by their priesthood, which provided the supra-regional
>communication and coordination. The kings were as often as not tools in the
hands of the top priesthood. I don't know how widespread sacrificial >kings were, but I do see some similarities to the priesthood's control over the king in the Slaine comic where the hero gets behind the secrets of >the druids and manages to control them rather than the other way round. I believe that this is what Alakoring did.

Era of Verenmars
Though he was a son of the Dara Happan Emperor and a Carmanian Princess, Verenmars accepted much Alakoring Customs for ruling his shared World with his brothers. (Or Harald Smith thought so.) I don't know whether his Dynasty survived the Catastrophe of Dragonkill or not. But it seems they also kept their First among Them as High King, and maybe it means "Successor of True Orlanthi Kingdom after Heortling was corrupted by Draconic Blasphemous Way." They revised their name Alakoring, as Heort revised their name to Heortling from Vingkotling.

*Tarshite (High) Kings
Era of Arim
Arim crossed Deathline and went to Kero Fin and met Solana Tor, (I don't know where she was from after Dragonkill) I don't know how great was the conflict among Hwarin Dalthippa, Mithuinn Moonhater, or other Storm Barbarian Alakorings, but

Era of Yarandros
Rivalry between Yelmic (?) Tradition and Heortling Tradition. He succeeded his title by the blood, not by the approval of Shaker's Temple and Kero Fin Authority, and he drove Grazer Authority and filled the cavalry army by the Pol Joni and Praxian Mercenaries. (Though FHQ didn't appear yet.) It seems that was betrayal to the tradition, but succeeded to gain territory in Peloria by tolerating Alakoring Tradition.

Era of Ilaro
He called his people Alakoring because he thought he was a heir of Alakoring...

Era of Phargentes
He ruled the Southern Peloria as both the Governor of Southern Province and King of Tarsh, and much regained territory under the Lunar Empire. I don't think Lunars permit any of Orlanthi use High King Title

*Dragon High King
Era of Argrath

*(High) King of Hendreiki
Era of Daranvolath (Thunder Rebels p.152) I don't know how much refugees from Dragonpass escaped from the invasion of True Golden Horde and massacre of Dragonkill, but it seems Heortland became much populated after that from Cross Line, if the many folks in King of Dragonpass followed
Dragons as in Clan History. I don't know when Larsti Brotherhood started to

choose their High Kings, and if "High King" means the King of All Heortling after the Dragonkill as Ivan the Great became the successor of Roman Emperor by wedding one of the princesses of Byzantine Emperor, certainly they could call their both by this title aside from fact of magical method to the north of "Death Line".

>The Hendriki
>(From the Taming of Dragon Pass campaign)
>by Jeff Richard

>In the 1300s Hendrikiland and Heortland are not synonymous. The Hendriki
are a large, pre-Alakoring tribe founded in the wake of Arkat's >liberation of Kethaela. Although "Heortlings" (as opposed to Esrolvuli, Harandings, or Talastari) in the broad cultural sense, they are culturally >different from the clans and tribes in the high valleys of the Storm Mountains.

>First, the Hendriki are less egalitarian than their Heortlending neighbors.
The Hendriki horse-thanes (known as "cnihts") are the province of >certain bloodlines and clans that are supported by other bloodlines or entire clans. In other words, the Hendriki have a well-established >"aristocracy" that is supported by the free-farmers. Think Scandanavia in the 12th - 13th centuries, no serfs, but a definite nobility.

>Second, the Hendriki royal clan has supported in the late 13th and 14th
centuries a sub-cult of Orlanth known as the Aeolian Church. The "wise->men" of this tribal cult believe, amongst other things, that Orlanth re-established the laws of the world through his Lightbringers' Quest and that >the study of these "laws" can lead to mastery over the world. In other words -- they are sorcerers!

>The old Heortlenders, on the other hand, are dominated by the old clans of
the Ogorvaltes tribe and other Dragon Pass tribes that were destroyed
>during the Dragon Kill. They are the Orlanthi that developed into the folk
recorded in the Report on the Orlanthi in KoS.

>Sort of. Hendriki (or Hendreiki) have outgrown any normal size for
>tribes or even tribal confederations during the roughly 1200 years
>of their history starting as refugee bnd. That's why I call them
>"nation". This means they have a language of their own (or had
>until the emigration of the Quivini and Vendref), different local
>deities, holy days and historical heroes, and different foreign
>influences intruding into their customs.

Era of Andrin
If the Zombie King demoted his title only from "High King" to "King" indicated by English Term, that is too obvious his "unnatural" conversion, but IMHO, Pharaoh let him use March, Earl as an ambiguous terms for Belintar could catch good buffer without offending Heortlanders. (Except Volsaxi.) I don't know when Volsaxi started.

>Killing the king and returning him as a pharaonic creature is close enough
>to "forcing". The Heortlanders like to think that they freely accepted the
>Pharaoh. That's similar to post-WWII Germany soaking up US-American

Too dangerous parallel....

>Black Arkati are an abomination, or so the other Malkioni of Kethaela

>The Aeolians don't even know half the truth, the Black Arkati say.

>The God Forgotten with their Brithini beliefs (use the White Wizard
>"Zzabur Says" from Revealed Mythologies for their religion)

>but without
>the benefits even the Arolanit or Sog City Brithini earn are as
>from either group as Jews are from Muslims.

What's the difference?

<<I think there is great change between original setting of Aeolians and this
HW setting, for in the older version, Creator (or Son of the Creator?) was the God Orlanth himself, but in that version, Orlanth was merely a human and (false) Wizard.
Maybe this setting is forced by the 1st Edition HW and Misapplied Worship Rule, I don't know how Lunar Imperial Book explains Idovanus = Creator.>>

*High King of Volsaxar
Era of Hardrard (Barbarian Adventures p.9) Though he ruled only part of Heortland, perhaps he called him "the last successor of All Heortling Kingdom after other Area was all corrupted by Soulless Sorcery, Chaos or Inhuman Occupation." Whitewall was their capital.

Era of Broyan
Now High King rules only Whitewall. "We'll guard this holiest city of Orlanth or die bravely following True Way of Orlanth."

Volsaxi says: "High King of Heortland, successor of Hardrard was only one, Broyan!"
Other Heortling says: "There is no King in Heortland after Rikard disappeared, maybe we should accept Broyan if he can bring peace this land again, until that, Earls rule us."

*King of Dragonpass (FHQ & Inhuman King) Era of Sartar
Era of Tarkalor
Era of Moirades

<<What means "King of Dragonpass"?
Many Residents of Human and Demihuman live in Dragonpass Area. Though Dragonewts and their Ruler Inhuman King possessed Hegemonic Power over All of them, they denied Communication for their Own Nature and Past Fail of EWF.
(But we can never truly understand their Motives and Thinking. They founded Concept of "King of Dragonpass" in Historical Line. We can understand Sartar and Feathered Horse Queen ritually and politically wedded for Balance of Pow er and Religious Reason which would bestow them Prosperity and recognition of Dragonewts...It didn't require Intervention of Personal Romances like in the Variety of "Argrath's Saga", Holay Queen=Incanne=FHQ.

But why that combination required? FHQ is very magically Important Position which gives Connection to Symbol of Dragonpass's Earth and (IMHO) Kero Fin, and Grazers are naturally extinct Race of Pure Horse tribe which has Lost Magic linked to Special Races of Horse and Worship of Kargzant. Some of Materials of Herowars mentioned prophesy She has Power of Earth, which will permit Modern "Dirty" Horse Tribes to gain or recover such power. Grazers gained Some Magical Connections with Beastfolk and their Leader Demigod Centaur Ironhoof when they get Permission to living in the Dragonpass as Dweller and Master of Vendref.

She didn't have absolute authority and jointly ruled many Grazer Clans and Tribes with Male Leader Chieftain of All tribe, she grips Such Power, "King of Sartar" referred Some Names of FHQ:

These are Lists of CHDP:
Reaches Farthest: Wedded with Sartar, Prince of Quivin Orlanthi (Queen of Dragonpass)
Keeps the Children: Wedded with Jaldanroste Redhair, but he maybe didn't have Authority to KODP
Mother of Lands: Wedded with Tarkalor, Prince of Quivin Orlanthi (Queen of Dragon pass)
Splendid among the Proud: No Husband
Riches Without Tears: Wedded with Moirades, King of Tarsh Kingdom (Queen of DragonpMass)
Single Matron Woman: No Husband
With Bitter Heart: Husband? Mother of Chieftain Jarsandron? Reaches All: Wedded with Argrath the Liberator (Queen of Dragonpass)

So these are conditions for King of Dragonpass

1: He is Husband of FHQ
2: He is Famous Leader of Orlanthi
3: He gains Admittance of Inhumanking, true ruler of DP

But Sartar divorced with FHQ....Tarkalor was not Friend of All Races of Dragon Pass,
Moirades was not Friend of Beastfolk as Supporter of Lunar, Argrath wedded with Many Wives?

Maybe title of KODP hasn't any actual power except some connection to Earthly Power of Dragonpass.>>

*High King United Kingdom
Era of Argrath

Do you know when the Old Wind Temple founded? Could Heort visit there?

Gwandorling Saga part 15

Six Virtues: Thanks Keith.

Seven Lightbringers, Seven Winds (West, East, North, South, Upper, Lower, No (Brastalos))

Sky Storm

Zolan Zubar

Eight Stars of Orlanth's Ring

Argrath Council
Gwandorling Saga Part 23 Absolute Justice
Gwandorling Saga Part 52

My Image about Judgement of Jarani's Staff:

(I think the Image of Heort was too Dara Happan Patriarchic. How should I correct these Heort's statement? But please don't correct my english harshly...)

> Most of Koroltes and Orgovaltes Nobles and Thanes gathered in the domain
>of Stravuli, but both sides counted same number and showed very hostile
>attitude to each other, but they also feared another battle, they already
>enough battlefields and was tired of bloodshed even most warlike berserks.
>And they could see hope in Heort and waited his arrival. Kings would never
>admit the right of each other for that regalia, and expected something.
>Venef of Bereneth silently arrived there as a friend of Andrin and an
>observer of the
>moot and ritual.

> All of participants of the Moot fell silent when Heort came there with
>golden shining Lawstaff of Jarani, most of them heard about the success of
>his quest, and Heort shouted loudly in front of them,

 >"Start the moot."

 >King Garnath asked him,

 >"What lets you speak so loudly? I admit you brought the true lawstaff of
>Jarani, but I cannot admit which will beat the loser of this matter as
>Orlanth once ruined Harandings, because Orlanth himself is dragged into a
>trouble in the Underworld, and he cannot afford to intervene us."

 >Heort shrugged and said,

> "I don't think he cannot beat any of us, but I don't want to force you to
>think so, Hengall taught me Great Change which will be come after us,
>and in that World, God won't beat us if we don't want to be."

 >King Griseld opposed him,

> "If you depend on the matter of power, I can beat any of you, but I'm no
>Emperor. And I am loyal to Orlanth, but if you think the Law without Power
>can convince a fool to discover the justice, you are another fool, too."

> Heort replied,

> "Orlanth taught us how to act against Evil, and he said, "No one can make
>us do anything." But I can add this statement, he is just because he is
>and has secret knowledge how to find the truth. Truth is important in the
>coming future, for we can see only by this way, the rule of Orlanth and
>Gods, and it will be greater than any of your weapon, or we must bring such
>a world."

I thinkthis statement is too Yelmic...

> And Heort turned to Andrin and the Staff which he held.

> Heort ordered every relevants to stand appropriate places as once Jarani
>and Harand did before Orlanth, but Andrin held the middle of the Staff,
>Heort asked two Kings to hand the Sword and the Helm to him, then, Heort
>them as if they were other participants of the ritual and went to the side
>of his tribe, Garnath, and the tip of Lawstaff which Griseld held heatup
>soon, Griseld dropped his tip and shouted,

> "This is a trick!"

> Heort stopped him before Griseld moved and he changed his side to the
>Orgovaltes by that turn, soon the tip of Garnath held heating up and he
>could not hold anymore. Garnath growled,

> "What's the meaning?"

> Heort stopped both of enraged Kings, and at that turn, Heort held one of
>the tip of the Staff, though he didn't have almost any supporters, except
>some wise observers, like King of Berenethtelli, offered his help, Heort
>declined politely and held out another tip. Immediately all of participants
>saw the tip shined and heated up. And all of participants knew Orlanth
>blessed Heort by that way.

> "Do you want these regalia? But these are possession of Kodigvari, you
>don't have any right to possess them!" Garnath showed the Curse which hid
>his courtesy.

> Heort nodded and said,

> "Before we conclude the moot, I call on Three, who didn't come here
>voluntarily, from Women tribe, and who lurk in the Shadow, and the Shadow

> Firstly, the Queen of Esrolia who was married with Griseld appeared from
>the shadow, and secondly, in another shadow the participants felt the
>existence of
>Disfigured Existence, which held monstrous wings, all of them feared by the
>cold wind from it, but were amazed by the force of Heort's Magic.

> The two supporters, both the Hidden King and Esrolvuli Queen declined
>their need to the Vingkotling regalia, because neither of them expected
>such a great power brought them there but both of them were reluctant to
>intervene the matter of Heortling. Many of participants saw that was not an
>affair of all of heortling, and then began to stop involving this matter.

> "I also have a right to possess them for my wife was also
>the daughter of a King of Kodigvari,
>though I don't want these cursed weapons, I can see what will
>come, but now I try to stop the doom to each tribes as far as I can, as
>Orlanth taught us. I want to destroy them as Once Orlanth destroyed the
>throne of Tyranny over the Hill of Victory. We can be one without them."

> And everyone of the participants except two kings then could see the Curse
>cast upon them clearly, eventually most of participants joined to the side
>of Heort and abandoned two Kings.

 >"You tricked us!" Griseld shouted.

 >"I tried to trick you because we can now over the Great Cataclysm, and I
>want to help you both of them from your ruin, perhaps you don't believe it,
>I don't want to get these regalia though I admit I can be another claimant
>because we cannot share these two by three and I think these regalia
>lost their role in the Great Darkness "

> But they didn't relent, and Heort sorrowfully looked at them but suggested
>them to put the Sword and the Helm in the Temple of Orlanth and to wait an
> omen.
>Neither of them couldn't decline his request. And Heort warned all
>of participants to wait what will be occur.

> By that night, each kings stole in there and found each other, both of
>fought by themselves without any supporters, that was what Heort could do
> Garnath was fatally wounded by that strike because the Sword cut down his
>Helm, but Grideld also got fatal wound because that brow broke his Sword
>the Sword broken half was spattered and stung deep to his body. They died
>after Heort's Ring found them and three days passed. Both of them admitted
>Heort was wise and sacred before death.

>Andrin stated in awe.
> "Orlanth can judge us even though he is in the underworld."

I don't think Orlanth holds such a inhumanistic and philosophical power over

power like Yelm....
He is not perfect, but the best of Many.

> Everyone was shocked by that event except one, and Heort stopped them and
>told them that he hadn't called one more witness. He turned toward his
>birthplace Grizzly
>Peak and called on his name. Though Vingkot fought by the side of his
>at that time, his shadow took apart from him and was summoned by Heort's

> Heort called upon the Shadow of Vingkot, and showed Vingkotling about
>was too small to wield Vingkot's weapon as Andrin taught him. Andrin taught
>them, in fact Gustbran created the copy of Vingkot's Sword and Helm, that
>was melted
>down in the fight against Chaos Man, everyone of that place finally
>understood and admitted the greatness of Heort.

> Heort said,
> "I am no Vingkot though I also hold his blood, his weapon and shield are
>too heavy for me, for he was the son of Orlanth himself, I have right to
>throne, but I now want to the proof of it, by my wisdom, not by strength."

I expect Heort keeps the role of "wise man" rather than "hero" as Vingkot. As Bernard Evslin expected his hero Fin keeps the role....rather than "heroic killing machine" Cu Chulainn....

> King Venef stated,
> "I'll admit you if you can make a peace to other races and ancient rivals
>of Vingkotling. And anyway, I am now your friend no matter you will succeed
>or not." And they made a promise of friendship.

To Jerome Blondel:
As a report, your mail doesn't arrive the post office yet. (I should wait it at least one more week.) If you keep record of your post, there is a posting number which is specified to each mails.
Maybe you and I can trace the whereabouts of your mail no matter what happens.


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