>So I think terms such as 'Wareran' and 'Agimori' are broad categories,
>not entirely useless, but with definite limitations as to what they can
>really tell us about the people concerned. If we bear those limitations
Yes and no.
I now consider those to be archaic GL constructs, having been constructed
when I was in my GL phase of learning about Glorantha.
>in mind when using them (and I suspect they are helpful in an actual
>game of Hero Wars, if only for describing those foreigners you've just
>met), we should be alright.
Maybe. I'd rather wished I had done a version of racial stereotyping for
all the different perspectives rather than sticking to this one. Of
course,if I had my druthers and had a way to characterize the different
origins of people (ie, hsunchen, mixed elementals, Sorcery Plane pure
bloods, etc.) I'd take an entirely different approach.
But as you say, probably acceptable for the game.
>From: "TERRA INCOGNITA" <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_mrg.biglobe.ne.jp>
>> >> And about the human race of Thinobutu...now lives in Maslo Coast and
>> Kimos, are they Agimori? or.....Kralori?
>Perhaps you will try to know the distinct difference of Pamalti Agimori and
Rather like the differences between Indonesians and Africans.
>About Dara Happan Buildings:
>I don't know how gods and humanity live together in Golden Age:
>About Orlanthi and Praxians:
>Great Ancestors seems to have eaten great amount of food, slept in gigantic
>bed, and...etc...
Yes, this is difficult for us to understand.
BUT in my playing the people and gods do not see any differences between
each other in the Golden Age. Even though NOW the gods seems to be huge and
as compared to humans, in those days no one noticed the difference!
>Perhaps I don't need to think about such kind of logic in each mythologies.
Logic will not help to understand how they were the same. The lack of
differentiation between deities and mortals in those Golden Days is utterly
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