Mike Dawson replying to Greg's comment:
> > All diseases in Glorantha are form spirits in the same way that all
> > iseases that we know ae from germs.
> Unfortunately, not all diseases are from germs, either. Some come from
> environmental factors - skin cancer from UV, black lung,
> asbestosis--though to be fair you might want to call these types
> "poisoning."
I assumed that was what he meant: i.e. true as an (over-)generalisation, only. Infectious diseases are caused by spirits, in G., but other "things that may make you feel not too good" may not be. (Theistic cancers, mystical dementia, sorcerous palsies, and mundane acute poked-by-sharp-object-itis?, to borrow freely from Mike's own list.)
> If all gloranthan diseases are spirits, then is everyone on the sorcery
> plane perfectly healthy?
Taking the misapplication rules literally (which I'm normally loathe to do) the apparent consequence is that the non-animist otherworlds would be relatively "healthy" (as the majority of diseases would get penalties), whereas non-animist _mundane world_ magic is at a disadvantage, possibly, if your theist devotee or Western liturgist is less effective in getting rid of disease caused by spirit infestation. (I have no idea if that's "right" in Gloranthan world terms, but it doesn't seem obviously wrong or clearly unrationalisable.)
End of Glorantha Digest
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