>From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_timellis.demon.co.uk>
>Subject: The Emperors Ten Tests
>>I don't think these originals have survived till today. But these are
>>always used for the Ten Tests, originally Murharzarm passed Ten Tests
>>imposed by gods of each Ten Cities. (IMHO) But it seems that Anaxial
>>and TakenEgi found the way not to try literally enacting the Ten Tests
>>attributing to Ten Cities, for they could find only seven appropriate
>>cities in their domain.
Both performed the Ten Texts, but with some variations that were necessary
since some of the cities had disappeared. This sets up the problem: are
they really the same ten texts then?
>I think Magnificus found a way to change the tests too, at least reading
>between the lines in FS leads me to believe so.
Nic reading, Tim, but i am not convinced.
>TakenEgi took the ten tests at the behest of the Emperor Yelmgatha (who
>had taken the tests himeslf) and, for a while they ruled together until
>Yelmgatha's death (FS pp51-3)
Yes, a fact.
>When TakenEgi first died (during the sacred time ceremonies 3/35) the
>Oracles foresaw that no one would succeed in all ten tests, and all those
>who tried and failed died since there can not be two rightful Emperors at
>once FS (pp61-2)
There can only be one person alive at a time who is Murharzarm. [Yes, yes,
an exception did exist when Takenegi and Yelmgatha lived at the same time.]
When Takenegi was gone he was still emperor, as the oracles foresaw.
>TakenEgi returned a year later, descending from the moon with his mother
>- I don't believe he re-took the tests at this time
Dang, I don't have my FS in reach. But I belive that he did perform the
tests again, because that's the only way to prove one is emperor. We can
see that the great families, etc. are reluctant to grant that power to
people who do not deserve it. I feel they would have tested at this time.
After all, didn't the oracles jut say one person only can be emperor
because of something? Takenegi would have had to prove he was Emperor, and
that the oracles did not work because he was still alive, even though on
the moon.
>he continued to rule
>for 24 years, and was then slain by Sheng Seleris (FS pp62-3) He returned
>13 years later, ambushing Sheng's brother as he attempted the ten tests.
>FS p63 says "It was imperative that he prove that there was still a
>legitimate Emperor. By proving this, he prevented Sheng Seleris from
>attempting the Ten Tests." This may have involved re-taking some or all
>of the tests, or merely ensuring that Sheng didn't.
The latter, I think. Takenegi had a couple of bonus points in the test that
asks, "Is there another Emperor present?"
>However Sheng's star
>was (literally) in the ascendant and Takenegi was killed a third time.
Yes. I think that the whole procedure may have been set up by SS to lure
Takenegi out and kill him again.
>It was on his third Reincarnation that TakenEgi gained then title
>Magnificus, and defeated Sheng Seleris however "Some people [...]doubted
>that the Red Emperor was who he said he was. [...] they doubted he was
>truly the Red Emperor for 'five of his parts are not the same'" (FS p64)
Critical point there to judge the "differences" in the "new Takenegi."
However, he took the tests and proved that he was, at least, the Emperor
(The Ten Tests can't prove he is the "same Takenegi," nor anything except
that he is legitimate Emperor.
>Magnificus agreed to retake the ten tests to prove his legitimacy, but
>added a new twist of his own, asking those who doubted him to name one of
>the tests, and effectively gamble their holdings and status against his
>success - he only got 4 takers - which makes me wonder, did he only take
>4 of the tests - or at least only enact the "full" version of the four
>nominated tests, and "merely" perform "ritual" versions of the other 6?
He took all ten. He just didn't get to keep the bonus he had hoped to
obtain for 6 of them.
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