Cap (Cap of Mernita & Lower Crown?: Regalia) Egypt: The Lower Crown (Cobra) and the Upper Crown (Vulture) mean the Upper and Lower Egypt
Surely Emperor Khorzanelm (Nick Brooke) spent a hard time to play in the LARP of Broken Council if truly his costume was the same in the illustration.
Babylonia & Assyria: Tiara & Diadem.
"Wear the diadem and top the apex over it, and roll up the mitra the side of the diadem. Cover your body with the long shawl"
Persia: Achaimedes and Sassanians, Pants and Crown
Dara Happan Costume: Three Horned rather small Crown? (See Prophecy of
Description of Overseers of "Tri"polis in Glorantha: ITHW)
Made in Haranshold (Metropolis) of Darjiin
Drivers are Yestendos Cult
How many are inhabitants of this city from the Moon surface?
As for the Setting of French Broo Yuthuppa, it was built over the hill, as much as Minas Tirith (Sorry, but I cannot find appropriate RW parallel such scale of city over a hill now.) On the contrary, I chose Osgiliath for Yuthuppa. While Minas Tirith is easy to defend, Osgiliath is convenient for traffic and trade.
And I noticed the much image of RW Babylon's Wonder:
The Hanging Gardens of Babel
Though it was artificial construct and much less smaller than that of the City itself, maybe for the Authors' image, such "City in the Sky" is very beautiful to abandon. While I should consider about Greg's writings for Starstory Towers.
Virtual Babel
Gallery of Babel
*About Starstory Towers:
It seems all of these towers are named by specific day of their important
celestial bodies and its change.
(Maybe each of Solstice and Equinox, and each holy days are very important
IMO, and each holds large shrine (and tower) for watching the phenomenon of
Sky World.) But there is only two towers are named, Tower of No Walls and
Buserian's Frame. Though I don't think 294 towers exist in Yuthuppa, at
least these important holidays should be considered, 100 star lists of
Plentonius is good example.
Martin Laurie (the Designer of ILE):
> Message: 5
> From:
> Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 13:30:33 EDT
> Subject: Yuthuppa
> To:
> Reply-To:
> Cults:
> > Yelmalio
> > Yelmalio is mostly worshipped by the soldiers and mercenaries who dwell
> > Silver Quarter, near the barracks and military harbour. This god has
> > temples in the city, one at the Acropolis and the other at the barracks
> > the Heavenly Spear Phalanx.
> Yelmalio would never have been worshipped in Yuthuppa.
> The primary deities of Yuthuppa are of the Yelmic pantheon, which includes
> Yelm in all his aspects, sub-cults and herocults as well as specific local
> deities, like the city god and a major cult centre for Anaxial. The city
> also a major river port and capital of Esvuthil (which is split
> between two Satrapies, but has significant cultural integrity). Oslira
> Dendara are of course worshipped and Rinliddi deities have also a strong
> influence. Jenarongi deities are well represented in the city and in some
> cases have full affinities where they are mere sub-cults of herocults
> elsewhere in the Empire. The Yuthuppans have a tradition of horsemanship
> well as naval ability and are divided by family line, some claiming
> from Anaxial and other from Jenarong and his ilk.
> Lunar culture is growing but perhaps 10% of the population. There is a
> growing Rufelzan poor quarter and several local lunar heroic deities as is
> common anywhere in the Empire that felt the brunt of Sheng.
> Yuthuppa is also home to many mystical or mystery cults or groups from the
> Yelmic or Dayzatari tradition. All sorts of oddity can be found gazing at
> the stars. And of course, Buserian is utterly dominant academically here.
> Efforts by Irripi Ontor to annex many of the ancient scrolls will be met
> militant brown robes in full intellectual riot mode.
> Population: Around 80,000
> Martin Laurie
> -- __--__--
How about the possibility of Astrology in Glorantha? If such art exists in
Glorantha, what
kind of form should be made? (though Drastic Resolution: Prax and Stellar
FAQ much reduced it for the ambguity and complexity of each glorantha
culture increased.)
As GROY mentioned, some heroes who got immortality has at least some influence to their linked star. But how about ordinary folk without any such power? In RW astrology, one of its aim is watch the birthday of each person in the year and try to foresee their future and fate.
Someone thought there is a scheme of underworld upside-down of skyworld, and watcher can see these underworld stars which linked to each Underworld immortals before Hero Wars evolved the each of concepts of Other World. For example, Arkat has his own constellation on ordinary Sky Dome but I don't know any other trollish heroes who possess their own Star over the Sky. (Of course, trolls almost cannot any of stellar except the Sun (D'Wargon) and Rufelza.)
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