> Modern Ten Lunar Phalanxes from Reaching Moon Megacorp Publication?:
> (From Tome 3-2 Japanese Fanzine)
> Granite: Dragonpass
> Jasper: Dragonpass
> Beryl: Dragonpass
> Marble: Pavis
These are the only four Stone Wall phalanxes left, others destroyed.
> Basalt: Tripolis
> Carnelian: Tripolis
> Obsidian: Tripolis
> Malachite: Carmania
> Agate: Carmania
> Onyx: Carmania
These units don't exist in the modern Imperial army, there is a Moonrock phalanx, a Lunar attempt to copy the format, with their own twist of course.
Carmania does not produce hoplite phalanxes, rather the Daxdarians do and their base number for a phalanx is 800 men, rather than the 1000 associated with a DH unit. This was actually a source of pride to the Daxdarians that they needed only 800 men to oppose 1000 DHs and usually win the fight. Daxdarian Pelandans are historically the best hoplites in Peloria.
There are several Daxdarian phalanxes in the Imperial army, the Slate and Lavic Legions as well as the Horde Breakers come to mind.
The Carmanians do have a tradition of spear or pike units, but rather than look at the Pelandan tradition, their communial peasantry are formed along the lines of a RW analog that would be better associated with the Flemish pike levy with lots of halberds, big maces and axes thrown in than any Greek model. Even the early Schiltron of the scots would be a better model for the Carmanian approach. This is one reason why they used the Daxdarians and made Daxdarius a "Good God" of Idovanus, so that they could have access to a good infantry. Carmanians also created a Janissary corps that was mostly infantry and trained by the best foot soldiers they could bring to the capital.
Carmania is also famed for dismounting its men at arms or knights which was part of the success Nadar the Avenger enjoyed over his chivalric Fronelan opponents. By using combined arms skills learnt fighting in the Pelorian basin, the Carmanian army routinely beat much larger Fronelan opponents during that epic campaign.
Martin Laurie
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