I don't know whether your article can be used for it, but I hope I can try to do....
<<Possible Contents about Diversity of Area Notes:
Areas of Pamaltela:
Glorantha: ITHW
Agimori Black Beauty of Glorantha:
Left Hand Path & Right Hand Path (Jolar & Arbennan: Tales #11, John Hughes)
Mysterious People of Tarien
Kresh Empire of Kothar (Missing Land)
(Far Place: Prax &Pithdaros)
Thinobutu: The Island under the Wave (Revealed Mythologies) Kimos, Onlaks & Elamle
Fonrit: the Land of Slaves (Enclosure #2, Missing Land & Revealed
Land of Laskal: Violence Land??
Umathela: 9 Lightbringers David Dunham's Site
(Sedalpism Malkioni, Cult of Silence, Yranian Leapers)
Other races
Blue Moon eccentric People: Troll Gods, Book of Drastic Resolution:
Darkness, Tales #11, Veldet Trek
Errinoru the Greatest Nonhuman Sailor of Glorantha: Elder Secret of
Glorantha, Missing Land
(Other Elves of Umathela)
Slon: The Greatest Domain of Mostali Decamony (Elder Secret)
Dwarven Heresy
Muri people of Moorgarki (Elder Secrets, Troll Gods)
Empire of Terthinus: Malasp of Dashomo (Missing Land)
Kingdom of Estengitrox: Ludoch of Maslo (Missing Land)
Other Minor Important races
Vadeli, Empire of New Orbil
Waertagi, Avengers of Underworld
The Empire of Wongarrisi, Slarge
Gorger of Kimos, Demon Race (Elder Secret)
Lascerdan Extinct Race of Reptile (Elder Races)
Remnants of Early Pamalt People: Hoolar, Jelmar & Pelmre
If you think I should add, change or delete source or column, please teach me....>>
But recently, frankly speaking, I don't have enough time to do for it.....
(If someone help such difficult work...)
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