>Extinct Lascerdans of Umathela and Tarien Slarge...Are they kin of Similar
>Origin? They are both Lizard-like people.....
I don't think they are very close kin. Sandy Petersen described the lascerdans as resembling basilisk lizards.>>
<<Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 09:24:22 -0400
From: "Lemens, Chris" <CLemens_at_exchange.webmd.net>
Subject: RE: The Glorantha Digest V8 #355
David Dunham:
>I don't think they are very close kin. Sandy Petersen
>described the lascerdans as resembling basilisk lizards.
I've been meaning to ask this for some time. In Missing Lands, the Pamaltelan creation myth is in near the end. It says Pamalt created a buncha folks before getting it right. Two of them were the pel-mre and the jel-mre. (I think I got the names right.) One of the two now lived in the mountains near the Errinoru Jungle. The other was "driven into the west" or something like that. Would Pamaltelans have recognized lascerdans as the other *-mre? Did lascerdans themselves believe that they came from the east?
Chris Lemens>>
<<Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 12:15:54 +1200
From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Subject: Lascerdans
David Dunham:
>I have no idea what the lascerdans believed.
River Gods.
"The [Lord of the World's Knowledge]'s lowland holdings were flooded and drowned as the revengeful river gods of the extinct lascerdans rose for the last time [...]" Elder Races p39
<<Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 19:12:57 -0700
From: David Dunham <dunham_at_pensee.com>
Subject: heroes etc.; lascerdans
Peter Metcalfe
> >I have no idea what the lascerdans believed.
> River Gods.
> "The [Lord of the World's Knowledge]'s lowland holdings
> were flooded and drowned as the revengeful river gods of
> the extinct lascerdans rose for the last time [...]"
Thanks, I'd forgotten that part. It still doesn't really tell us much - -- the Dara Hapans have river gods too, but theirs is not a Water pantheon. However, Sandy Petersen once wrote "Note however that the Lascerdans and the extinct merfolk were related very closely in some way."
Still, the lascerdans also practiced a form of slash-and-burn agriculture, and they may well have worshipped a fire god as well (like the modern Umathelan Dorgalat, IMG at least -- the God Learners would call him Tolat), and the Mother of Manatees (a hypothetical Uralda/Eiritha figure for their herds).>>
(Excuse me Graham, Digest Search...)
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