>In Storm Age, the God Artmal who founded Enormous
>Empire across Pamaltela was called the son of Blue Moon Vendara, it is said
>that he descended from the Moon over Flying Ship. (Or as Joerg imagined, it
>might connected to Moonships of modern Lunar Empire. But it can be driven
>only by Yestendos Cult of Darjiin in Glorantha: Introduction to HW
My idea was that when Yestendos was sailing his little boat across the Flood, he rescued the Goddess from the city of Mernita. As thanks, she taught him the secret of how to build his reed boats so they would sail by the light of the Moon. This was the origin of the Moonboats.
But as the Gods War progressed, the Moon disappeared and the secret became valueless. Yestendos gave it to his lover, SurEnslib, as a trinklet.
When the Moon reappeared in history, the knowledge that the Surenslib queens had once again became valuable, and so the whenever new Moonboats are needed, lengthy haggling with the queens takes place.
--Peter Metcalfe
--Peter Metcalfe
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