> Trotsky:
> > Technically, anybody who follows Malkion's teaching is Malkioni. This is
> > not say that all Malkioni will agree that all other Malkioni are
> > deserving of the term, of course! In practice, it's at least as vague as
> > the term 'Orlanthi' incorporating Heortlings, Esrolians and many others
> > besides.
> Then Vadeli is not Malkioni.
IMO, no, but I can see why Peter included them. Like I say, it's a vague term :-)
> > Me:> c) Don't believe False God(s) (Yes, Saints are not False Gods, our
> ancestors
> > > went Solace after Death though we cannot contact them.)
> > > d) Draw Power from Sorcerer Plane (Adept Plane and Saint Plane. Not
> > > Underworld!)
> >
> > Certainly mainstream Malkioni do all four of these things. Venerational
> > worship is also a key feature. But there are some 'Malkioni' (that is,
> > people who claim to follow Malkion's teaching) who don't have a problem
> > with False Gods - the waertagi spring to mind. Obviously, Hrestoli and
> > Rokari would never admit that these people are really Malkioni...
> Veneration...HW 1st Rule p.168. But "veneration is related to the learning
> of sorcery, it does not necessarily endorse it."
> IMHO the meaning of English "Veneration" is vague... If Mostali use
> Veneration....as Brithini (and Vadeli and Waertagi, other "atheists".)
The waertagi, like the Stygians, use both venerational and sacrificial worship. Likewise, veneration isn't restricted to Malkioni; there are other groups that do it too. Brithini, Vadeli and 'atheist' sorcerers don't really worship anything, venerationally or otherwise (although one could argue that the entire Brithini and Vadeli lifestyles are a form of venerational worship, rather like the Mostali).
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ --__--__--
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