>Reading about the Malkioni prehistory I've been wondering about the
>Theist quarter lately. Genner, the inventor of Sacrificial Worship, is a
>Great Spirit.
No, he isn't. As the inventor of Sacrificial Worship, Genner would be a God, not a Great Spirit. I know Revealed Mythologies says otherwise but it's confused (and it's not the first time!).
>The entire border region to the Malkioni consists of animist beast
>people, some of which have been converted to either materialist or
>theist practices in the course of history.
The Vadrudi of Fronela are not animists.
>Peloria is a mishmash with about 60% theist practices
60% seems far too low. The only major populations of animists are the Darjiinians with the Hungry Plateau and the Votanki distant seconds. I calculate the empire to be 85% theists myself.
>Hmm. Another thing I stumbled across is the "no integration of spirits
>for shamans" position.
I think that's no "adoration for shamans" which isn't integration of spirits but integrating oneself into a Great Spirit. Which has been raised on here but the end result is still murky.
>Most animists regard a discorporate existence as
>undesirable, right? Retaining individuality in a discorporate state is
>worse than a spiritual recycling undergoing a loss of identity in a
>corporeal form (like Dorad's grave sprouting plants).
The animists do have spirit worlds in which their dead reside and their dead do retain their individuality until they are reborn. It's only theistic dead that lose their individuality in the otherworld.
--Peter Metcalfe
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