Um. I think I deleted enough....
I don't know whether it is suitable for posting here or not, but....OK, here is the manuscript ended up in the wastebasket for C02 "The Four Scrolls of Revelation". (I got the book this morning, I appreciate greatly the work of Simon and Mark for it and "The Wintertop Shadow".)
Dragons in Glorantha
Dragons are not separated, independent species but continuum to everything in the Mythological and Magical World of Glorantha.
It seems as a result that I criticized David Dunham's great work for Heroes List for its arbitrariness. So I try to write down more arbitrary list for their greatest enemies...Dragons in other ordinary Fantasy Worlds.
First, please read Greg's "Dragon Pantheon" article in WWW (Old Wyrm's Footnote). And mediate about the meaning of hidden secret of "War between Giants and Dragons".
Some cultures regard Everything Draconic as their taboo. Others tolerated them for a while in their some stage of their history...and later abandoned such "blasphemous" idea and try to forget the period of contamination. (Like Seshnelan Serpent Dynasty or EWF of Heortling)
Outsiders cannot discern the difference between true dragons and false dragons (maybe serpents, failed dragonewts or dragonspawns, failed EWF or Kralori Mystic) of their short time observation. And on the contrary of other Otherworld Entities with Great Power, Dragons don't show weakness (penalty?) inside of Middle World with physical and magical amount of vastness.
And the from the point of view of Mysticism, Dragonewts, EWF and Kralori Mystics all seeks to attain (or pretend to do so) Absolute (Immortality without hinder, Transcendence?) So Physical Feature of them doesn't inform the method to the truth or falsehood of their spiritual progression by feature of their serpentine bodies. (But maybe some of them succeed to come to too large to "worry about" entanglement of Temptation.)
After Sandy Petersen wrote First Test Dragonewt Magic Rule (Personality is their source of power), Greg has added more and more difficulty to comprehend the behavior of Dragonkind from the point of view of player characters.
Incomplete List of Dragons in Glorantha
The list below includes names derived from the point of view of enemies of
Dragonspawn. I agree some of them can be same entity in different names. And
many called only by alias. Maybe only few True Powerful Dragons reveal their
true Auld Wyrmish (I think this "language" can be used by True Dragons)
name....(like Dragons of Earthsea?)
And as you know, dragons sometimes divide oneself by Utuma, combined (be eaten) to other (see End of Ingolf's Saga and "Wyter" Drang the Diamond Storm) or revive from death without any causation. (See Dragon Sun in Genertela Box: Glorantha and Sh'hakarzeel (Mover of Heaven) in Argrath's Saga)
True Name by Auld Wyrmish?
[Name by Outsiders]
<Nickname for purpose>
(Used Language Group, Classification (Legend, True, Dragonspawn, Mystic
(Succeeded, Failed), Serpent of Nature))
<All Eyes Open But One>: (True) A Friend of Genert, once it was a Dragonewt.
*[Amuron]: (Pamaltela, Serpent of Nature?) Great Spirit. He was the Creator
before Trickster killed him. See Hykim and Korgatsu, Serpent. {RMp. 46, etc}
*[Arangorf]: (Heortling, Legend?) Inner Dragon of Orlanth, Enemy of
Orvanshagor. It seems that there is some connection to Beast Tribe and
Drolgard (Secret?) Cult. See EWF and Youf. {KOS, TR p.}
*[Argrath]: (Sartari Heortling, Mystic (Failed?)) Means Liberator, later
called Dragonfriend. Future Greatest Hero of Hero Wars and Main Character of
King of Sartar. In King of Sartar, it seems that he attended himself as a
reformer of army structure of Heortling tribes, (EWF Banner of Second Dragon
Army, Reaching Storm Temples and Combined Wyters like Lunar Yanafali
Vexillum, New Magic Regiments like Eleven Lights and Eagle Brown) In my
opinion, he cannot succeed to attain Ultimate if he use his Draconic Power
so frequently. See Ingolf and Wyter. {GGB, KOS}
*[Aroka]: (Heortling, True or Serpent of Nature) an Enemy of Orlanth in
Mythology and come into a Oslira River by his
Quest (Thunder Rebels). See also Oslira and Sh'hakarzeel. {TR p.145, KODP,
KOS, WFp p.72}
*<August Dragon>: (Kralori, Succeeded Mystic?) A Draconic Seer of Kralorela
who awake four times since the Dawn.
[ES, RM p.87]
*[Berneel Arashagern(gorm)]: (Dara Happans, Legend?) One of Six Chips of
Yelm. Or simply Snake or Beast. See also Instinct or Sexual Desire, Dragon
Sun, Ursturburn.{FS p.74, GROY p.17}
*<Black Dragon>: (True) Dragon of Dragon Pass Board Game Unit. Friend of
Cragspider the Firewitch. Maybe the Final Fate of Ingolf inviting him to
Kapertine. {DPB, ES, Cragspider Article in WWW}
*<Black Eel>: (Serpent of Nature?) River of Balazar. See also Murgados? {GM}
*<Brown Dragon>: (True) Dragon of Dragon Pass Board Game Unit. New Dragon at
early 17C Glorantha. See Jarn, Dragon of. {DPB, ES, KOS}
*[Burburstus]: (Dara Happans, Legend?) Throne Dragon of Plentonius Star
List, Constellation of Ten Virtues. {GROYp.54-55}
*'Dream Dragon': (Dragonspawn) True Dragon's thought has a great power to
affect outside and sometimes take form
of minor physical entity, these are called Dream Dragons created from desire
of Sleeping Dragons. Once there is a mass Magico inscrutable Event called
Dragonewt Dream (though it was a large scale hallucination mainly occured in
Peloria and Dragonpass , and dramatis personae are ghostly dragonewts
(1539-1541ST)). Maybe this event and that have common or similar effect and
cause. {FS, River of Cradle, etc...}
*[Dogsalu]: (Vithelan, Serpent of Nature?) Husband of Goddess of Love
Yothenara and father of Govmeranen. (once Leader of Anti Gods). It was once
defeated by Vith and his magical conch. [RMp. 87]
*'Dragonewts': (Dragonspawn) Subspecies of Dragons born from dragon eggs
without maturity. Most "Orthodox" Race of Dragonspawns. Living in
Dragonpass, Ryzel, Ormsland, Kralorela, Teleos and one of East Isles.
*'Dragonslayers': Since Orlanth Orvanshagor and Yelm Murharzarm killed
Legendary Dragons, there are many Dragon Slayers appeared in the Glorantha
History. Though hard to understand, True Dragons can be killed by relatively
weak heroes of Middle World. In my opinion, what they can do for it is "find
a weakpoint" of them, that is related to hidden desire of Dragonspawns that
is called "Utuma". See Utuma.
*'Dragonspawns': Sometimes failed or under the unorthodox way to Draconic
Ascension. These Reptalians are Dinosaurs, Dragonewts, Magisaurus,
Stoorwyrms, Wyrms, Wyverns. (But some are simply kins of Earthly Guadians or
Water Current.) {ES}
*<Dragon Sun>: ((Failed?) Mystic) EWF Enforcer to Dara Happa and rule as an
Emperor (Reign 878-910ST?). Killed by Karvanyar. Martin Laurie wrote
interesting story about it. But David Dunham dislike this idea. Later it
revived and joined the attack of Dragonkill (1120 ST) and ate Dayzatar
Priests in the slaughter. {FS p.39, Tales #17 p.54-56}
*<Dragon's Head>: (Legend?) Part of Stellar Draconis? Green Star of
Orlanth's Ring. {ES, SFAQ}
*[Drang]: (Failed Mystic?) The Diamond Storm Dragon. Maybe it is a Wyter of
Saird EWF. Killed by Alakoring in the Three Armies Battle. See
Wyter. [KOS, TR p.152]
*'Earth Guardian': (Serpent of Nature) Many existences of Magical Earthly
Origin took form in the reptilian form, for the Element of Earth is
Connected to Reptile by God Learner Definition. Like Earth Shakers of Maran
in Dragon Pass. See Froalar and Serpent. {Kings of Seshnela}
*[Engizi]: (Heortling, Serpent of Nature) God of Creekstream River.
Sometimes called Sky River Titan or equated with Lorian from the point of
view of Watchers to Skyfall Lake . {Troll Gods, ST p.214-215}
*[Enkoshons]:(?, Serpent of Nature) Defeated by Vadrus in Gods Age. Similar
to Aroka and Orlanth. See also Aroka.{WF p.67-68}
*EWF: (Auld Wyrmish?, True?) Of course, "Empire of Wyrm's Friend" is the
accurately? translated name by outsiders. {GITHW, KOS}
*'Factions of EWF':" War Dragon", Transcender and Converts (Sorry, I don't
have English Glorantha: Genertela Box) "Here and Now Dragon" and "Forward
Dragon" (King of Sartar), Pick-Uppers and Up-Toppers. {GGB, KOS}
*[Froalar]: (Seshnegi, Serpent of Nature) First King of Seshnela and became
Seshnelan Guardian of Serpent Dynasty in the reign of Heroic King Saval
(729-734 ST). Killed by Herjan the Raider (circa 1045 ST). See Earth
Guardian. {Kings of Seshnela}
*<Green Dragon>: (True) Dragon of Dragon Pass Board Game Unit. {AR p.157,
*[Harantara]: (Vithelan, Serpent of Nature?) Mother of Zabdamar Race and
Mistress of Sea of Fog. See also Thrunhin Dah. {RM p.99}
*<Heart of Weakness>: (Dragonspawn) Inhuman King of Dragonpass before
Sibilant Tongue of Ouroboros. He participated in "I fought, We won." Battle.
{BCG p.4, 25, DP}
*<Horned Dragon>: (Spirit of Nature) Spirit Great Lord for World Hsunchens
and other some Animists. See Amuron, Hykim & Korgatsu. See also Serpent.
{GITHW and RM p.29}
*[Hykim]: (Godlearners, Spirit of Nature) Name for the Great Ancestor of All
Hsunchens for Godlearners. Identified with Korgatsu. {DP, RM p.91}
*<Inhuman King>: Dragonets who stays at Dragonewt Community after they
attain Dragonhood for unknown reason. Only Ryzel and Dragonpass dragonewts
are headed by them. Once Ormland also held such Dragonewt, but it was killed
by Alakoring. See Sibilant Tongue of Ouroboros and Heart of Weakness. {BCG,
GGB, GITHW p.60, 160}
*[Ingolf]: (Heortling, Failed Mystic) Sairdite Dragonfriend of 2nd Age. He
failed his study of Draconism for his compassion to weaklings. Enemy of
Alakoring and Cragspider. Killed by Black ? Dragon in Hestven Of Ralios. See
Black Dragon. {KOS}
*'Instinct' (Dara Happans, Spirit of Nature?): See also Berneel Arashagern
and Sexual Desire. {GROY, RQ Con #2 Compendium}
*[Iskandrang]: (Failed? Mystic) the "Great" Leader of EWF. Peter Metcalph
thought he
connected something to Drang just spelling of his name. [KOS]
*<Jarn, Dragon of>: (True) Maybe it is same as Brown Dragon. Appeared in the
Reaching Moon Temple Construction Place 1625 ST in King of Sartar. {ES, HWR
*[Korgatsu]: (ShanShan Hsunchens, Serpent of Nature?) World Dragon of
Hsunchens and Source of Horned Guardians of ShanShan. See also Amuron and
Hykim. [DP, RM p. 93]
*<Kralorelan Emperors>: (Succeeded Mystic) [RM p.82-84]
*'Kralori': Human Group living in Eastern Part of Genertela which insists
they are always followers of Draconic Way throughout since Immemorial days.
Dragonewts deny their doctrine because they are merely humans.
*Krisa Yor: (Maybe Auld Wyrmish?, True) See Red Dragon. {DPB, ES}
*[Lorian]: (Dara Happan, Serpent of Nature) Another Serpent Constellation of
Sky World. Water God of Galaxy. It invaded Sky World with Blue Moon and
became the father of Artmal in the supplement of Troll Gods RQ3. {ES, GROY
p. 56}
*[Murgados]: (Heortling? Sorry, I don't have Griffin Mountain, Serpent of
Nature) See also Black Eel. {GM}
*<Mover of Heaven>: (Legend) See also Sh'hakarzeel. {DP, TR, KOS}
*'Mysticism': Most Kralori and EWF identify it with Draconism. {HWR p.45}
*[Nestendos]: (Serpent of Nature) Serpentine Invader to Golden Age Empire of
Yelm. Defeated by Murharzarm and later Hwarin Dalthippa. See also Oslira.
{GROY p.11}
*'Newtling': Peter Mecalph thinks that some Newtling related to
dragonspawns. But I'm skeptical about it.
*[Obdulan Skyflyer]: (Heortling, (Succeeded) Mystic) EWF Dragon Mystic who
Absolute. {TR p.152}
*[Oslira]:(Dara Happan?, Serpent of Nature) See Nestendos. [BB, GROY, TR]
*<Ouroboros>: (Legend) Greater than Cosmic Dragon. Maybe equated with
Durapdur by Vithelanized Kralori. {WFp p.33, DP, RM p.87-88, ES}
*[Planner of Mayhem]: (Dragonspawn) Notorious Warrior Dragonewt Leader of
Assaults to Human Population of Dragon Pass in Modern Hero Wars. {GITHW
*<Red Dragon>: (True) Dragon of Dragon Pass Board Game Unit. Krisa Yor is
his another name. {DPB, ES}
*[Saird, Dragons of]: (Some Mystics, others Serpents of Nature) See Harald
Smith's List {LHS}
*<Scholar Wyrm>: (Dragonspawn) Gentle Scholar Wyrm of 17C Heortland. {ES}
*[Sekever]: (Failed Mystic?) False Dragon in Kralori Cosmology, master of
Huan Too and their corruption. {GITHW p.191, RM p.97}
*'Serpent': Sometimes this term equated with Dragon. But sometimes both
Earth Spirit and Water Current take similar physical form for temporal
*<Serpent Dynasty>: (Serpent of Nature) Offsprings of Froalar and Seshna
Likita. Ruled Seshnegi on early Dawn Age. They used Chthonic Magic and had
Serpentine Feature that looks very alien and heretical from the point of
view of Hrestolinized Later Malkioni Logicians. See Earth Guardian, Froalar
and Serpent. {Kings of Seshnela}
*'Sexual Desire': (Dara Happa?) See also Berneel Arashagern. {FS?}
*<Shamed by Death>: (Dragonspawn) a warrior Dragonewt who betrayed Delecti
{Tales #19 p.22, 29}
*[Shang Hsa]: (Kralori, Failed Mystic) Many Other Names. "May His Name is
Cursed". Usurper Dark Mystic of Kralorela in 2nd Age, killed emperor Yanoor
with the support of God Learners. He ruled Kralorela (768-1120ST) with New
Dragon Ring. (Kralori called it False Dragon Ring.) Defeated by War in
Heaven. {Kings of Seshnela of WWW, RM p.98}
*[ShanShan Mountains] In Kralorela, this Great Mountain was created by
Dragon Emperors or originally made from the world beginning, and some
Heortling believes it was the remnants of Umath's body after he and
Jakrekriand killed each other.Many Hsunchens live there and their leaders
have horns modelled to their Great Horned Spirit, Korgatsu.
*Sh'hakarzeel: (Heortling? Legend) See also Mover of Heaven. Argrath called
it down to Middle World at the end of his Saga. {WFp, KOS, TR p.166}
*<Six Ancestral Dragons>: (Legend) Six Ancestor Dragons of Silence, Secret,
Being, Experience, Thought and Spirit. Enemy of Orxilli. Their names was
used for Kralori Eastern Calendar. {WFp, DP, RM p.88, ES}
*<Sibilant Tongue of Ouroboros>: (Dragonspawn) Inhuman King of Dragon Pass
since its predecessor Heart of Weakness ascended to Dragonhood. {DP, BCG
*<Sshorga>: (Serpent of Nature) Name of the Ocean Terror of East of
Homeward. Water Serpent of Deluge in Dara Happan Lesser Darkness Era. She
was called the mother of Oslira in Belintar's Book. {BB}
*<Stellar Draconis>: (Legend) Great Constellation surrounding Sky Palace of
Yuthuppan Cosmology. See also Burbustus, Aroka and Sh'hakarzeel. Heortling
calls it Aroka in KOS and Sh'hakarzeel in TR. {GROY, SFAQ}
*<Strength of Flame>: (Dragonspawn) Ormsland Dragonewt Leader in World
Council of Friends Era. It was killed by Alakoring? {BCG p.60, GITHW}
*[Thrunhin Dah]: (Kralori?, Legend) Blue Dragon of Deep in Kahar Sea. It
offers Transformation Spell to Kralori Killer Whale Cult against Zabdamar.
See also Harantara. {GITHW p.189, RM p.99}
*[Tsalanforis?]: (Heortling? Sorry, I don't have English ES, True Dragon)
Ancestor of Pelorian Gold Loving Wyverns. Killed by Vingkot. {ES}
*[Un Lo]: (Kralori, Legend) See Ouroboros. {GITHW p.192}
*[Ursturburn]: (Ariri?, Serpent of Nature) Seed of Life in the Early Cycle
of the Mythology of Goddesses, in my opinion, it was later equated with
Berneel Arashagern of Dara Happa, and EWF took control over Solar Empire for
a while through this esoteric association to this Darsen cult. {Ent p.10,
GITHW p. 128}
*Utuma: Draconic Self-Sacrifice and Greatest Secret of Draconic Mystery. By
that method, Dragons created the World and their offspring aside from laying
eggs in Gods Age. {DP, KOS}
*<Windwhistler>:(Dragonspawn) Wyrm of Big Rubble (One of EWF Ruin). Priest
of Golden Dragon Cult. I don't know whether this cult related to Dragon Sun
or other Sairdite Dragons related to Fire elements or not. {Pavis & Big
*<Wonderous Mother of Many>: (True) Famous Ancestoress of Dragonewt. {DP}
*'Water Current': In Many Non-Draconic Mythologies, Water took physical
serpentine forms against enemies. See Aroka, Black Eel (Murgados), Engizi,
Lorian, Oslira (Nestendos), Sshorga, Ursturburn. [E, other Pelorian Trilogy,
TR etc...]
*'Wisdom': Kralori seems to believe this virtue is derived from Dragonhood.
*[Wyter]: (Heortling) term for Guardian Daemon (Spirit?) of Communites.
Lunars can unify that's forces of their regiments with the Vexillum Ritual
of Yanafal Tarnils. Perhaps Youf collected their wyters and transformed it
into Gigantic Dragons, like Drang the Diamond Storm aside from indivisual
powerful mystics as Kralorela. {KOS, TR, Questions about Wyter of WWW.}
*Youf: Dominated Political "Imperial" System with Magico-Draconic Ritual of
2nd Age. Their Purpose is raising literally whole of Empire Domain into as
an One True Dragon, but betrayed by Dragonewts on the Process. {TR, KOS}
*Yrtgal:? {KOS}
AR: Anaxial Roster HW
BB: Belintar's Book
BCG: Broken Council Guidebook
Cragspider: of WWW
DP: Dragon Pantheon of WWW
DPB: Dragonpass Board Game
Ent: Entekosiad
ES: Elder Secrets of Glorantha RQ3
FS: Fortunate Succession
GGB: Glorantha: Genertela Box RQ3
GITHW: Glorantha: Introduction to Hero Wars HW
GM: Griffin Mountain RQ3
GROY: Glorious ReAscent of Yelm
HWR: Hero Wars Rulebook
Kings of Seshnela: of WWW
( ( ( King of Dragonpass Computer Game
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