>I apologize if this has been done to death, but I am wondering if much has
>been done or said regarding horses within Sartar for clans that do not have
>Elmal worshippers or do not follow his ways.
First, as others have said, Redalda is the Horse Mom. However, I feel compelled to point out that no initiates of Elmal OR Redalda are needed to have horses in the clan. They are part of the pantheon worship in which everyone participates and as such are covered sufficiently for day to day life. Any Orlanthi can sacrifice to Elmal if they need something special from a horse.
This kind of occasional worship or sacrifice is entirely common among all Orlanthi. If a task is being done then the godi simply lead the sacrifice to that deity. No initiates, devotees or disciples are needed. All the gods and goddesses are accessible this way. This is the normal way that everyone does worship. It is why everyone are Orlanth and Ernalda initiates and why initiates of the other deities are incidental or unusual.
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