I can't remember well who said that Vinga was once a mortal woman, not goddess (John Hughes?)
But there was one of the oldest stronghold of Vingkotling at that place. http://www.glorantha.com/new/heortling_hillforts.html
In Holay stands the Warriors Gate,
I can pick up some Vingkotling Tribes which could take the main role in the Alakoring and Verenemars Age, (Though Harald Smith and Unspoken Word: Imther might tell good answer for it in the future.) surviving both of the attack of Palangio and Arkat.
Forosilvulli of Holay
Infithtelli of North Tarsh
I don't know well about the Power Balance of modern LE, but in the Life of Moonson LARP, Holay might be second to the strongest Kingdom among the Province, next to Tarsh Kingdom. And there is Provincial Government at Mirin's Cross, very ancient city and historically and strategically important place.
Nick Brooke's Site
And Yarandros' claim for the High Kingship over Saird might include the superiority Patriarchal Line over Matriarchal Line. There are some Orlanthi between Talastar and Dragon Pass which revered Kero Fin beyond the Top of the World, but they are Alakorings.
I guess that David Dunham and his game induced the idea of Kero Fin soverignty over Dragon Pass, and KODP hints relation between priestess of Maran Gori and FHQ and Unspokenword: Wintertop Shadow inherits this idea.
Other matriarchial Orlanthi stream like Modern Exiles of Kero Fin (Traditional Tarshite?) and Esrolians, Holay seems not to take earthly relation related to earth / woman culture. I guess there was a classical Gloranthan Gender / Element relation:
Darkness / Female (Trolls?)
Water / Male (Triolini?)
Earth / Female (Esrolians?)
Fire / Male (Dara Happans?)
Lunar / Female?
Storm / Both? (Heortlings?)
But it might be no more. I don't know whether it is true or false, which should be superior, husband or her own brother? And Vinga has Earth rune in Heor Wars Glorantha ITHW and Storm Tribe....but how about other deities who also owns earth rune but don't be woman in old setting like Genert?.....
Argrath wedded with one of the Queen if Argrath's Saga said true. He might use it for rivaling the authority of Tarsh Kingship?
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