My guess is that language diversity is a green age occurence - that is presumably the time of naming (it seems to be the period of establishment of personal identity) - but there might be an argument for a unified green age language surviving until the end of the Golden Age. Doubtless, as on earth, different cultures might tell different stories of the confounding of men's tounges.
Was Tradetalk a Godlearner attempts to reconstruct that universal language?
Anthropowanking follows
One other potential attribute to consider for Pelorian langauges. Post-structualists call languages phallogocentric, because the are based on difference (phallus = sexual difference, the first recognized, logos = the word). Feminist theorists have suggested that 'female language' is an untterable expression of that state before the realisation of identity and difference when our experience is of oneness with the world.
With the Lunar heroquesters interest in the green age,
and their incorporation of the 'female' into the
otherwise phallic cultures of Dara Happa and Carmania
one wonders if New Pelorian is a language that tries
to signify without difference, and is thus a nonphallogocentric
language. Speaking such a language
would foster clear communication because we would have
no diagreement over meaning - words would resonate in
the same way with all who experienced them.
That makes New Pelorian 'We are all us'.
Anthropowanking ends
Any thoughts?
"Give the kids tools, so they can go build their own houses; not the blueprint of what the houses should be." Tori Amos
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