>IMO, this means that RW and Gloranthan worshippers would often
>behave differenly. All RW people have doubts if their God exists.
Wrong, the topic was the RW people in pre-modern times who never had any such doubts. What Satan is trying to make Job do is not say "God does not exist" but rather that he give God the finger.
>One of the great themes of RW religion is how does a good all-
>powerful God let evil happen? This theme is absent in Glorantha.
No, it isn't. The Malkioni, believers in a good all-powerful god, are confronted with the problem of evil.
>Apparently, non-trivial numbers of Heortlings doubt Orlanth, else
>there would be very little "proto-chaotic" acts like kinstrife and
They do not doubt Orlanth existence, they doubt whether he is worth following anymore.
> I can understand them starting to believe the Lunars (the
>Lunars seem to be winning!) and causing kinstrife but I doubt if the
>Lunar attitude towards rape is very tolerant.
It isn't. But Rapists, both here and in glorantha, do not need any god to tell them their actions are right.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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