Seshna Likita "O, Knight of Four Directions of Cross, how I love you, my Son!"
Hrestol "You cannot do it! It is adultery and incest. Don't dare to think such blasphemy! You are not the pagan priestess anymore but my father's wife now!"
Froalar "O My wife, why do you show such sorrowful face and form? Who hurt you? I'll punish and execute any who commit such Sin!"
Seshna Likita "I cannot smile again while the Evil man feel secure in your Domain, But I cannot tell you his name, because it will make your pride and honor asunder! He did such Crime to me!"
Froalar "What a Disgrace!"
(Folktale of Seshnela: Why Hrestol exiled from his Kingdom? (Phaedra and Hippolytus or Joseph and Prisonmistress?))
Thank you: Joerg for your information about Hrestol.
But I still think my humble concept indicated something in Malkioni Society: (Or Sigmund Freud might say something similar, Jung might say it is his obsession toward sex.)
First, please read Anaxial Roster p.209: Zzabur's Descent of Animals. (But I should point out that Brithini didn't use their Formulae or Blue Book of Zzabur for analyzing whole Glorantha, it was written down here for simply taxomony of Animals (I think) . See Daniel Chapter 5: 25 Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin.
God Learners let their God number their Empire, they had been weigned in the
balances, and found wanting.
Maybe Theists called it as the Intervention of Arachne Solara: as she did in
Sunstop. (Orlanthi might call it Chaos)
See also Wyrm's Footprint: Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha.
There the Great Goddess Glorantha and Grand Ancestral Dragon was the couple
of Cosmic Duality. (p. 36)
It reminds me that Celestial Court of Godlearners (It seems that Kethaela
(at least, City of Wonder) 's Cosmology inherited that of Godlearners in the
Tale of P. A. Karr of Gloranthan Vision.) 8 Couples of Runes:
Acos (m) and Larnste (m) (Law and Mobility)
Uleria (f) and Kargan Tor (m) (Life and Death)
Orenoar (f) and Tylenia (f) (Truth and Illusion)
Harana Ilor (f) and Ratslaff (m) (Harmony and Disorder)
(As you know, Orthodox Malkionism tend to ignore the Feminine Aspect, God Learner Movement can be the Heretical Movement by the application of Brithini Atheistic World View in the sense of RW Gnosticism?. If I can see Malkionism as RW Monotheism and Ignoring of Sexism and Feminine Side of Nature. Please don't forget same Patriarchal Dara Happan Ten Ezelveztay don't have sex (or all Males) while Vithelan High Gods holds Couple Structure and Family Trees similar to Egyptian Hermopolisian Structure. See Below.
Sorry, this Link is Japanese: Hermopolis
Ptolemy Sect Gnosticism Ogdoas
Three Egyptian Creation Myth Cycles
Heliopolis, Hermopolis and Memphis
Ogtoad of Hermopolis
Nun (m) and Naunet (f) = primeval waters Heh (m) and Hauhet (f) = eternity Kek (m) and Kauket (f) = darkness
The Nag Hammadi Codices
[G] ogdoas (??d?a?, Ogdoaas, hee), [L] Ogdoas, [E] Ogdoad
Ptolemy Sect Gnosticism Ogdoas
"He points out that in the Secrets of the Eighth (ogdoas) and Ninth (enneas)
there is mention of these idols"
Ho Propateer (m) and Hee Ennoiaa (f) = Father and Thought Ho Nous (m) and Hee Aleetheia (f) = Nous and Truth Ho Logos (m) and Hee Zooee (f) = Logos and Life Ho Anthropos (m) and Hee Ekkleesiaa = Humanity and Ecclesiarch
Last, Julian and Greg told me that Gender and Duality is from Green Age
Ok, but IMHO, God Learners knew something different and did something
novelty, and destroyed themselves in Mystical Environment.
My Obsessive Attitude......
Joerg and Greg:
<<To the best of my knowledge the Orlanthi were breought to Umathela by the
Waertagi while the latter still commanded the oceans.
Some people lived there, primarily Helerings of various sorts, but they
were not specifically of th Orlanth/Ernalda religion.
The Waertagi also brought people of other cultures to the area. >>
I understand what you said: I checked Revealed Mythologies for Sendereven,
Artmali and Helerians.
I firstly thought Waertagi brought Orlanthi to Southern Continent as
manpower Slaves as RW africans.
But RM p. 22 told me the opposite, helerians enslaved and exploited
Waertagi: (but I still question about their purpose to go the Southern
Slope? of Spike in God Age, overpopulation?, if Vingkotling conquered
Ernaldelan Earth Tribe invading from North Slope of Joerg (IIRC)
suggested in his older manuscript....)
My prejudice:
"RW proves that Rokari Kingdom of Tanisor never unite under One Banner
because their have two heads: King's Court and Ecclesiarch as RW Roman
Catholic Church. I remember Canassa of Heinrich 4th and Gregorius 7th, on
the contrary, Loskalm should be strong as RW Byzantine Empire for their
Church is properly controlled by the Government of Siglat Dream."
But Greg seems to hold another idea....
"RW proves that India could make Strong Political System under Hinduism, it needs Monotheistic Islam as Mughal Empire or Buddhism as Ancient Kingdoms of Asoka or Chandragupta. Because Polytheistic and Fatalistic Hinduism keep people under segmentations as castes and areas. And Gloranthan Kralorela, can be applied to the same theory, in RW China, Confucianism units people and makes up Strong Government and Political Machine. It needs skeptical attitude to Religion and toward moderation against extreme mysticism. "
I think Draconic Entity can directly change the material and spiritual needs through their inhuman method, IMO it is the secret of Kralorelan strong imperial system, I don't know well about RW hinduism and I doubt my POV as Mysticism against realisitic POV is suitable in Magical Glorantha, but "Everything is Illusion" attitude (Orthodox Mysticim vs Manifest Mysticism in HW 1st dition?) is not good like the description of Mokato: the Court of Grand Steward, RM p.76-77. (My short-sightness?)
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