>> Since soldiers across
>> Glorantha are not turning into broo in significant numbers AFAIK, we may
>> reasonably suppose that such acts are less common in Gloranthan armies
>> than they were in ancient RW ones. Including, one presumes, the Char-Un.
>I have to say I am very uncomfortable with this idea. If the propensity for
>human beings in Glorantha to commit atrocities is less than human beings in
>the RW, then they are not human beings as we know them and this opens up a
>whole can of worms. What I like about Glorantha is the human factor, though
>etched on a glorious mythic landscape, people are still people, good or
I have to agree with Martin on this. In my own perspective, the humans of Glorantha are like us with our ideals and foibles.
>In our own history acts of atrocity stand out and are noted, such as the
We could make this list go on forever.
We could assemble one of equal magnitude for Glorantha.
>It is these things, these evils that men do, that counterpoint the good in
>man, show the shades of gray and give us our martyrs, heroes and rebels.
>in Glorantha we remove these aspects of humanity because we find them
>unpleasant to face, cope with or play out, then we a thinning down the very
>humanity of the game world that makes it so interesting.
Not everyone wants to deal with the reality of human brutality, of course. I for one choose to ingnore the worst aspects of human actions when I play. These unspeakable acts of humanity are just ignored or glossed over in my game. YGWV.
>I for one am against any human turning into another species for these
>actions. I can see such people turning _to_ chaos, for those lost so far in
>inflicting human misery will usually stop at little, but rape=broo is to
>convenient for me, it's as if Glorantha has our modern day ideal morality
>imposed on it to remove this aspect of humanity from our game view by
>providing an absolute cosmic judgement. "If you commit THIS sin, the cosmos
>will judge you THIS way, for all to see."
Judgement is absolute, but the actions are not. I have said it before. The magnitude of personal actions varies wildly to manifest the punishment. Also, "turnign into a broos" does not necessarily mean "turning into another species." You are still a human,but also a broo.
>Nick comments:
>>Now, that's never been an overwhelming element in my view of Char Un
>Nor mine, Wesleys' or Marks'.
Nor mine, I add.
>The Char-un or other Pentans might be more likely to
>commit atrocities than many civilised armies but not _that_ much more likely.
The widespread -- perhaps universal -- likeliness for atrocity extends to every army I have ever read about, civilized or not.
>This is always the problem with peoples perception of things in Glorantha.
>They get one tiny snippet of info and extrapolate the entire culture from
>that. Instead of basing it on human cultures everywhere and working from
>there, the part equals the whole.
Nice observation Martin.
>>This hobby is supposed to be about *fun*
>>stuff, not detailed descriptions of rape, necrophilia and mutilation.
>I concur, however I would caveat that and say that sometimes, a detailed
>description of this in the midst of usual game play can certainly focus the
>minds of the players and bring home the gravity of the situation.
Agreed here again, but as you have pointed out, the exception is the point of the story, not gratuitous.
>From: Greg Stafford <greg_at_glorantha.com>
>>This hobby is supposed to be about *fun*
>I'd like to back this up.
>I for one am very weary of this discussion, and though I am not telling
>people to stop, I am wondering why it is dragging on and on.
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