Thank you for your kind responses about my foolish murmuring.....but please see Orlanth is Dead! p.2....I guess maybe it was the reason why Stephen was reluctant to credit my "name" there......(not good for game sale....) Maybe I should change my "name"......Anyway, I exaggerated the situation.
Me:>>Q2: Where the Sshorga Sea went through the Heortling Land and flooded
>>Peloria? Did it run through the west of Stormwalk? (As modern
>>or the east of it? (As Seolinthor / modern Robcradle)
Sshorg Sea and Aroka:
Peter Metcalph:
>Look at the map in page 8 of Revealed Mythologies. There you'll see
>Genertela flooded into three islands, one of which is centered around
>Kerofin. The larger island to the west has two mountains - Nida and
>Top of the World,
IMO here are far more good map in Thunder Rebels p.144 (It seems Aroka = Seolinthor) and Uz Lore of Old Troll (Creekstream and Oslira was linked? though I don't know when Korang was killed and /or Urox made Stormwalk before or after) pack about Theistic Gods Age hints Greg's change of his concept.
And I can see Godlearner maps in Initiate site. But as far as Heortling called the event as the Orlanth's Second Dragon Slaying and the topology of the modern day Sshorg Sea and Genertela, I think rather the Flood between Prax and Dragonpass was the Aroka and Seolinthor from the POV of Heortling.
>while an even smaller island to the north probably
>holds the last of the Pelorians. Genert's land should be above the
>waters also but it's probably off the map.
David Dunham:
>I'm not sure what you refer to. The only thing I wrote about Fonrit
>was the one-page summary (which was pretty much based on published
>material or the articles in that issue). I haven't written since.
Surely, I misunderstood its source. Most of them I refered was written by Simon Bray and Martin Hawley. My supposition that you made the editorial work for Enclosure 2 seems wrong.
Simon Bray:
> In some of the texts I have researched Fonritan Magic is of several types,
>the core religions are Animistic entities being worshipped in a misapplied
>sacrificial way,
I have tried to simple generalisation for my pamaltela memo.
>there is also a core of sorcerous worship along with
>theistic, animistic, mystical adorationist and 'unique' magical methods.
>Fonrit's magical heritage is extremelly complex, comparable only (IMHO) to
>the Lunar Empire in its variety and complexity. To say Fonrit is Theistic
>like saying that the Empire is theistic, it is an over generalisation.
Like Saint Ebbesh of Martin Hawley? Anyway, Peter's and Godlearner's speculation:
>Naturally, as proven long >ago, this is divine worship and requires submission of the >individual to this single entity, which is very foolhardy and >dangerous. The Fonritans do not accept that, being theists." >RM p41-42
Sorry, I cannot grasp the context of simple "do not accept that, being
Does it mean that Fonritans are theists in the Godlearner categorization,
but Fonritans don't admit it?
>Ompalam may have come
>from the Vadeli Kingdom of Oabil/Chir. Presumably this is what the
>Doraddi believe.
Or simply Ompalam was a Chaos God in old Glorantha concept and remained
after the change of Pamaltelan setting.
Anyway, I cannot fully comprehend which is the Greg's latest idea and others
are not.
I simply thought fonritans revived Blue Moon Tradition of Artmail through distorted way from the POV of foreigners. Maybe my identification that civilzation = theism and primitiveness = animism is wrong. And more speculate the form of worship like sacrifice or ecstatic worship is suitable.
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