> Though Revealed Mythology told so, Adoration is not Shamanic practice any
> more for Greg, IIRC.
Never actually thought of it as a purely animistic practice anyway, I disagree with some of the animist/theist boundaries when it comes to practices like adoration and orgiastic worship, to me the darjinites would be orgiastic in some of their practices, and they are animists, however I also believe that theistic groups and even sorcerous gorup can be orgiastic in their worship frex Uleria (theist) and St Ebbesh (Sorcerous).
> About Lunar Empire, as a part of Genertela, center of Theistic Worship,
> most
> of Lunars are theists as Heortlings and Alakorings. IMO. (70% - 80%?)
> Except: Animists (Hungry Plateau Waha, Deneroni of Darsen, Darjiinites,
> Eoltes, Char Uns and other Pentan Nomads)
> Sorcerers (Carmanian Visirs, Blue Sorcerers, College of Magic)
> Mystics (Lunar Selects, Jernotian Mystics, Rashoranites, Arkati
> Terrorists....)
That is still a hell of a lot of people, not including the ancestor worshipper, the Uz and the minority groups living in the Empire, I still would refrain from calling the Empire a theist country when compared to Sartar and other Heortling Domains.
One of the key elements in Fonrit is that Garangordos initally rebelled against his routes, he then quested to find new ways to do things, once he was happy with the way things were running he then sought his own godhood. He was then martyred and his empire, culture and religion were literally divided amongst his siblings, all twisting the words, magic and culture of Garangordos to suit their own personal ideals. I think this lead to diversity in every aspect of Fonritan life. The more I think about it, I feel it is these divergences that aided their resistance of the God Learners, the Fonritan culture was far too internally diverse and resistant to change that the God Learners could not unify their mythology, culture and magical world. There may be concept here that are confusing and I have great difficulty explaing my ideas in writing, I wish that UW had the funds to publish Martin Hawley's Garangrapha, there is so much material that would make these ideas clearer.
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