> >Apparently it should be "Shlorn-ya".
> >
> >I am sure Pat Mills thought it would be "SLAIN".
> Early Slaine stories included a reasonably approximate pronunciation,
> so I wouldn't bet on that!
> Not sure where Nick gets "ya" from -
FWIW I heard the same : although the pronunciation given me of the final vowel was VERY short, and not reaally "a" but the short form of the neutral vowel linguists write as an upside-down e ; so halfway between SLORN-ya and SLORN-ye, but a/e hardly pronounced at all.
N-y is also an inaccurate presentatin of a single gaelic consonant ... :-(
> unless its a typo for "ay" which
> is how all the gaels I know pronounce the name.
Possibly a dialectical or historic pronunciation ?
> My "Slaw" and his
> "Shlor" are, I believe, attempts at the same sound, which doesn't
> really quite translate into English...
Hmmm : isn't this a bit OT ?? ;-)
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