Re: Glorantha digest, Vol 9 #245 - 2 msgs

From: Ian Cooper <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 11:07:31 +0100 (BST)

>Can we assume that each uncle is the father of one of
Umath's Sons<

Well, applying Occam's Razor I think it is safer to assume that Umath is the father of his sons, and the uncles are brothers to the mothers, or Umath ; -O

Stranger things have happened in mythology though...

Peter's correspondences between the uncles and the varied pits does seem a plausible, but the uncles donot expect their nephews to survive the individual pits, so the suggestion that the brother's are placed in the pits that match their mother does not, IMO, quite fit. In such a case the uncles might ahve predicted their sister's offspring's survival.

If Orlanth's mother is Kero Fin, who is his uncle here. Genert has been suggested, but I wonder if Lodril might not also be a contender, he is associated with Mountains after all (GTA members can still check out the old Mountain Stories in the Myth of the Month archives). Genert seems to fit better as Urox's uncle, especially considering Storm Bull's connection with Prax.

Ian Cooper
0208-672-0717(H)07970-411892 (M)0207-337-6217 (W)

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