> From: Gianfranco Geroldi <giangero_at_yahoo.com>
> Subject: Melib
> To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> In the four scrolls of revelation, Martin Hawley
> suggests a Melibic history.
> Are the Zaranistangi related to anywhere else?
Zaranistagi is related to Veldang and Artmali Empire in Revealed Mythologies, it also related to some Teshnan Mythology refering about "the Southern Demon Island". See also history of Godlearner Empire, they are called "Lopers"exterminated by the army of Emperor Svagad. And you can find some reference in Troll Gods: Annilla Cult and Verenela article in Glorantha: Introduction to Hero Wars.
First, from South Continent, blue Zaranistangi worshipping Blue Moon came.
(Pamaltela Myth)
Second, from Sky, a city Churanpur fell, and the evil inhabitants of it,
IMHO, Ashutan Evil Sorcerers conquered the island. (Vithela Myth)
Third, from North, Teshnan hero Gach conquered the island, but emblaced
former gods for they cursed him if he refuse to do so. (Teshnan Legend)
Fourth, God Learners conquered it by defeating Gachi, (it seems they were
called Zaranistangi as their slaves) and made the island into one of their
part of Empire. (Malkioni History)
Please read FSR more about the later history.
> Are them Vadeli under other names, maybe?
No, they have blue skin, but maybe they are distant cousin of Veldangs,
> Vadel is a Malkioni word, correct? So in the eastern
> myhtology they would be called differently.
Yes, but Vithelans might have not distinguish one "Evil Sorcerer" from
As for RM, Vadel seems a name of a citizen of Kingdom of Logic, Danmalastan,
later he rebelled against Zzabur and let ignorant barbarians and others call
him demigod, or god.
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