> >>>There are many theistic scientists, both today and historically, so
> >>>I'm not sure I'd agree with characterisation.
> >
> >I am distinguishing between scientists who are spiritual, and the
> >idealized non spiritual Science here. Also, I am distinguishing here
> >between Science and scientism.
> >
> Yes, scientism (the philosophical belief that science can answer every
> worthwhile question) would clearly be a separate beast, here, and one
> that is pretty much non-spiritual by definition.
I'd quibble here that there's a difference between the scientism of radical materialism and that of non-radical materialism, which would be mainly a question of which questions are worthwhile and which aren't : the more common sort of scientism would purport that the origin of existence is either unknowable or is a simple statement of itself, which wouldn't deny spirituality or mysticism et cetera as such, except that it would characterise these as knowable material phenomena (as opposed in radical materialist scientism as being delusional products of ignorance in the inferior brains of morons).
"idealized non spiritual" is a self-contradiction BTW <pedantic g>
Luckily, this is Glorantha, so we can take the Godforgoti as our example for radical materialist scientism, and the Mostali for nonradical materialist scientism, and the GLs for radical materialist illuminism, (et cetera), work out all sorts of mad MGF wackiness for the societies these ideas ought to (but don't in RW) permanently engender (thank God), and revel in the fact that this is exactly the sort of madness that makes for a certain kind of good RPG ... <non-pedantic g>
I'd see the leaders of the Godforgoti as a group of arrogant, selfish, superior bastards, cynically manipulating the ignorant physical/emotional needs of the moronic masses so as to gratify the arbitrary needs of bodies and minds arbitrarily and meaninglessly constituting their own selves. Those not understanding this are morons, and are worthy of nothing other than utter contempt and whatever level of social inferiority they gravitate towards, given the particular level of stupidity of each individual moron.
> >The HeroQuest God Forgot "cults" will throw some light on this too.
> >
> Yay!
Yay 2 !!
Mad Zistorite roleplaying campaigns ?
Roll on HQ ... :-)
Julian Lord
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