> recently in our campaign a helemakti warrior fell in love with a
> babeestor gor devotee, and she seems to be all for it too.
> I was wondering if anyone out there had any myths or stories about
> women who have taken the Gor attribute and then wanted to return to
> normal life and marry and become fertile again.
Becoming a Babeester Gor devotee is irreversible - there is no normal way out of it other than becoming an apostate and being subject to the most frightful of furies.
That said, most Heortlings can't tell the difference between Devotees of Babeester Gor (ruthless women running around with axes) and Erantha Gor (psychotic women running amok with axes). Erantha Gor is one subcult of Maran who has several other subcults which people can join. Among them is Maran Devor, which both men and women can join and whose cultists like hitting people over the head with clubs.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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