> If you purchase the Glorantha Con Fundrasier Book then I will reveal t=
> dirty truth behind Yelmic Morality, read the explicit and sordid myth o=
> Onalingi the Self Abused, father of the Sin of Onalingism, who hides in=
> corners tempting the Yelmites to wanton acts.
ROFLMAO. What a fantastic idea. The filthy little secrets that hide out=
=20the back of the Yelm temples, being shoved into a corner and never ack=
nowledged. There has to be a myth in that....
Obviously joining Onalingi's cult is not something you do knowingly or vo=
luntarily, it's a dark slide that you find yourself tumbling down when yo=
u don't listen to your priest...
I wonder if Onalingi is blind...
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End of Glorantha Digest