The Grand Duke is in charge of the Loskalmi armed forces.
> The Royal Justiciar
His duties are to oversee the administration of justice within Loskalm and also to ensure that the Lords are not falling into the bad old ways of aristocratic rule.
> The Royal Treasurer
Ensuring the King's Penny is collected fairly and spent well.
> The Chairman of Farmers
Speaks the King on behalf of all farmers and townspeople. He has sufficient authority to pull strings among the authorities.
> The Ecclesiarch of Southpoint (Gaiseron)
He's in charge of the Church and oversees the affairs of wizards.
> BTW, what is Westpoint? Is it a city of West Frontem? (As Eastpoint,
> Northpoint and Westpoint) Or is it located in the land that
> submerged by the Blast of Zzabur after the Gods War (TI)? Or
> something religious term for the House of Einherjar (Efendi)?
Some parts of all three I should imagine. Since both Eastpoint and Southpoint weren't named until the Imperial Age (Eastpoint was founded then and Southpoint was previously known as Isefwal), the names suggest a connection with the Loskalmi Empire that ruled Fronela then. The centre might have been within Sog City, such as the Millon (Broken Council guidebook) or the spot where Hrestol was martyred.
I imagine that the original Westpoint was destroyed by Zzabur's Closing and that the current Westpoint was built somewhere in the westernmost parts of Loskalm. The Loskalmi do use Westpoint as a synonym for the the army just like the Pentagon is used today. I don't think Westpoint has any connection with Humakt's einherjar that fought at the four Arrows of Light for the Carmanians were sent packing before Eastpoint was founded.
> As you may know, in Troll Pack Uz Lore Book, there is change
> between 2nd Age coastline of Fronela and that of 3rd Age, if
> it was written intentionally, it enlarged by Snodal's action
> or that of others?
From Greg's Q&A on the matter, the cause of was Loskalmi attempts to purify themselves of all evil during the Ban. Other nations may have had a part in its creation but from the way its heading, Loskalm seems to bear much of the blame.
> 2) Lord Spiritual, Lord Temporal and Lord Militant, Triangle (Law
> Rune?) of Loskalm Idealist Church:
> What is their roles in their society before the thaw of Syndic's Ban?
Pretty much the same as they are now.
> (And why did they need strong military force without any external
> enemy?)
Because they had strong internal enemies that needed to be converted or sent walking into the Ban before they could transform Loskalm into the Land of Siglat's Dream. These enemies include the old aristocracy, stubborn wizards, traditional clergy and worldy farmers. There is also the Nameless Man and other Krjalki that lurk on the borders of the Ban.
IMO the early years of Siglat's reign were marked by outbreaks of unrest that were quickly and bloodily suppressed while by the time he died, the atmosphere was still tense despite the assured dominance of the Idealists.
I imagine that Siglat's unnamed successor was a kindly gently figurehead that could be counted on to do nothing but kiss babies and make soothing speeches. The Idealists in charge of the military and other insitutions (Gundreken and Gaiseron) operated largely behind the scenes at this this for even they were aware time was needed to heal the bloodshed stirred up by Siglat's reign. But they still maintained large forces to deter their still opponents from causing trouble.
When the Ban fell, Gundreken realized its potential and retired the King to a farm before becoming crowned himself.
> Efendi wondered how they systemized tax revenue and political
> system, he tends to suggest more decentralized feudalistic
> community, but I think it likely be more centralized magico-
> political system and a sort of communist society.
I favour your interpretion. Another historical parallel that might be useful is the rule of the Major-Generals in Cromwell's England.
> 3) Civic War before the Syndic's Ban:
> Efendi questioned the change of Snodal and Siglat made for their
> kingdom. He thinks that after the fall of God Learner Empire, there
> was relatively strong political power dynasty of Gwainric for he
> sometimes shows patriotic attitude to his "Kingdom" and his
> "independence day" should be dramatic. But I doubt it for the
> Peter's statement above about Shakespeare.....
It's possible to have both. From the ouster of the God Learners to Prince Snodal's time, Loskalm is virtually unknown. I'm only aware of three data points - 1) that they tried to stop the Closing, failed and a generation passed before they crossed Ozur's bay 2) Jonat caused some trouble there and 3) that they had converted to Rokarism. Other than that we have nothing over a period of five hundred years.
> 4) What is your image of Black Hralf the Weasal? I think he was a
> strong barbarian leader from East as Vargandar the Unconquerable
> Knight in Gbaji War.....But Efendi thinks Black Hralf is a name of
> group, not personal name......
I imagine Black Hralf as a Vadrudi warlord. FWIW I do not believe Varganthyr to have been a strong barbarian leader, but closer to those Loskalmi rebels that fought alongside Black Hralf.
--Peter Metcalfe
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