Peter Metcalph:
> Some parts of all three I should imagine. Since both
> Eastpoint and Southpoint weren't named until the Imperial
> Age (Eastpoint was founded then and Southpoint was
> previously known as Isefwal), the names suggest a connection
> with the Loskalmi Empire that ruled Fronela then. The centre
> might have been within Sog City, such as the Millon (Broken
> Council guidebook) or the spot where Hrestol was martyred.
About Millon, see Nick Brooke's site: Guide of Sog City
> I don't think
> Westpoint has any connection with Humakt's einherjar that
> fought at the four Arrows of Light for the Carmanians were
> sent packing before Eastpoint was founded.
I don't think that meaning is equal to what Efendi intended. He didn't use
the term Einherjar (Sorry, Efendi), but some place where dead good warriors
go afterlife...
> > As you may know, in Troll Pack Uz Lore Book, there is change
> > between 2nd Age coastline of Fronela and that of 3rd Age, if
> > it was written intentionally, it enlarged by Snodal's action
> > or that of others?
> From Greg's Q&A on the matter, the cause of was Loskalmi
> attempts to purify themselves of all evil during the Ban.
> Other nations may have had a part in its creation but
> from the way its heading, Loskalm seems to bear much of the
> blame.
Efendi has a different opinion about the cause of Ban.
> Because they had strong internal enemies that needed to be
> converted or sent walking into the Ban before they could
> transform Loskalm into the Land of Siglat's Dream. These
> enemies include the old aristocracy, stubborn wizards,
> traditional clergy and worldy farmers. There is also the
> Nameless Man and other Krjalki that lurk on the borders
> of the Ban.
Personally, I like and support your idea. But I don't think Efendi and Trotsky will agree with you. They are a Loskalmi in a certain level.
> When the Ban fell, Gundreken realized its potential and
> retired the King to a farm before becoming crowned himself.
Gundreken let or made his predecessor retire to a farm. (to Efendi) I expect Efendi's reaction to such conspiracy theory.....
> It's possible to have both. From the ouster of the God Learners
> to Prince Snodal's time, Loskalm is virtually unknown. I'm
> only aware of three data points - 1) that they tried to stop the
> Closing, failed and a generation passed before they crossed
> Ozur's bay 2) Jonat caused some trouble there and 3) that they
> had converted to Rokarism. Other than that we have nothing
> over a period of five hundred years.
Maybe Efendi didn't pay enough attention to hero Jonat.
> I imagine Black Hralf as a Vadrudi warlord.
Efendi might agree with you about Black Hralf.
Personally, I favor Peter's opinion and recall my unfinished campaign of Vormai pilgrimage to Loskalm, as you might expect, they all go to a tragic end as some RW japanese christians did in 16C.....
To Efendi:
Maybe you want to talk some about your setting and the difference of yours,
Peter's and Trotsky's.... It might be a chance....
TI / Zeb
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