See more about King Heort: Javern Spithorn
AR p.73, Heort was depicted as Stag, TR p. 194-195, and see Simon Bray's
Illustration in ST p. 240.
Maybe in primitive mythology of dawn age, (as John Hughes' Taroskarla?)
Heort was a sort of Psychopomp between Life (Time) and Death (Darkness) like
CERNUNNOS or old RQ 3rd Horned Man.
> I'm a bit confused about royal bloodlines. If Heort is the ancestor of
> clans, shouldn't they all be royal bloodlines? What makes a bloodline so
> special that they are more royal than others?
Maybe this "ancestor" doesn't mean direct descendant of him....."He was
grand-uncle of my aunt...." See TR p. 94, italic.
But such matter should be treated more by scholars of Orlanthi and ancient
german tradition like John Hughes or David Dunham, Jane Williams.....than by
an ignorant japanese....
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