> > However there are no indigenous Artmali in Kumanku and so the peoples
> > there look like the people of the Masloi.
>I.e. Agimori...
Depends on what you mean by Agimori. Strictly the terms applies only to the
peoples of the Pamaltelan plains and the people of the Northern Coasts look
different. Even if one uses it to mean black, one has to bear in mind that
are different types, such as aboriginals, melanesians, east africans, west
africans, south indians etc.
Now I'm not going to be a physical anthropologist and state that the Doraddi look like such and the Masloi look like such. But in terms of relationships, I feel that the Gloranthans would notice that the Masloi and related peoples look different from the Fonritans and both look different from the Doraddi.
--Peter Metcalfe
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