Doug asks:
> At the recent gloranthacon, I noticed a game of Dart Wars, involving
> miniatures, being played for most of the day. I was intrigued, but I
> able to observe the game closely, or interact with any of the players. Is
> there a set of rules or similar available? A google search turned up a few
> scenarios, but no rules or overview of how a table top game works. Is it
> just the old runequest rules with each player controlling a small group?
> Inquiring minds need to know!
Come to the Dark Side - come to the Miniatures! Bwahahahaha!
Actually, the Dart Wars were run using my HeroBand rules - which are stripped own HeroWars/Quest with a bit more formalization of things like Ranges and Movement rates. Heroband is small-unit - the basic band is 3-5 heroes plus a number of followers for each hero. Only heroes do actions, the followers are there to aid their hero by augmenting them, and taking wounds for them (in true follower fashion). A band also has a wyter/lares/otherworld guardian.
We have a Yahoogroups list for them (and other Minis Wargames for Glorantha, one of these days I need to buckle down and get the Grand Strategic rules written up...)
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