Small change of policy here at the Digest. As some of you might know, most details concerning your membership of this list can be changed using the web interface ( or e-mail (send "help" to for details) providing you have your password. Now, for most people that password will have been randomly assigned when you signed up. So how do you find out what it is? Well, you can ask for it to be sent to you (from the above web page) but to make things a little easier, you will also now receive a reminder of the password on the first of each month. I had been avoiding this to minimise the amount of e-mail you received, but given that half my admin consists of answering the question "what's my password?" I think this is needed.
I now return you to your regular digest.
-- Graham Robinson Glorantha Digest Moderator --__--__-- End of Glorantha Digest
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