>It is possible that Idovanus is either a force that is neither wizardry
>nor theist, a
>mystic kind of philosophy. Alternately, it is possible that TWO ENTITIES
>are both worshipped as Idovanus. And it's still possible that it's an
>entity in its own short
At first I thought that Idovanus was worshipped as a High God in one place and the Creator in another. But that doesn't square with the information in the Entekosiad, which has the following:
It's understandable for Viovanus to become Idovanus as there's a big difference between the Wendarians and the Pelandans. But the change from one of the High Gods to sole Creator in just two generations is implausible. At the same time Gartemirus is said to rule with the advice and power of the Seven High Gods.
My thinking is that the Pelandans believed in seven different creation
one for each High God. Some of the other six creation stories might be read
elsewhere in the Entekosiad (Uleria p4, Dendara p9, Turos p44 and Oria p46.
Jernotius's myth might be on p44 with Kagardu as a mask of GanEstoro, while
Bentus was probably dead drunk). That these creation myths partially
each other is no big deal to the Pelandans for they know that "All is Change,
All is Balance".
So a Pelandan dedicated to one High God would accept his or her creation story
and other myths as the core mythic cycle but also recognize the validity of
High God myths that explains the little details that the core mythic cycle
explain. What the Carmanians did was to accept the Idovanus mythic cycle,
the Jernotian Way and attribute what couldn't be explained to GanEstoro.
Idovanus's nature is more complex. Simply stating that he's defiant doesn't
work as that's applicable to disorder rune entities. ILH-1 p39 doesn't
help when
the people most likely to worship him are said to worship the god Idem
instead (I suspect they made the change in order to avoid giving a straight
answer to this thorny problem!).
Fortunately a partial answer presents itself in the ILH-1 p17 where the Lunars are said to use any kind of magic (spells, feats, charms) so long as it is lunar. It seems to me that since the Jernotian Way was a precursor to the Lunar Way, a more limited version could be applicable to magics involving the High Gods (i.e. a Pelandan could use both feats and spells).
More important is how the Pelandans would understand the division between sorcery and god magic? I think following the example of Jernotius, the Pelandans divide the otherworld into Male Space (the sorcerous planes) and Female Space (the God World). Everything else (Hero Planes, Spirit World, Underworld) is mixed. Following Jernotius's example (starting with the defeat of the Blue King), the High Gods are able to be worshipped as Gods or Sorcerous concepts. Precedent for this exists in Anaxial's Roster where Uleria's servants, the Tiltnae, exist in multiple forms.
Since most Pelandans are theists, I think the Logicians/Blue Wizards are really not ideological descendents of the Blue King's minions but Pelandans that understand the cosmos through the Male perspective, which is why the others tolerate them.
--Peter Metcalfe
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