>If anyone's interested, if posted a set
>of basic rules for HeroQuestDaily,
>telling subscribers what the list
>ISN'T for:
For those who do not wish to join the group just to find out how this may affect us, I've posted Julian's message below.
-- Graham Robinson graham_at_albionsoft.com Glorantha Digest Moderator ******************************************* I'd like to make a clarification or two about what this list ISN'T for, given yesterday's occasionally impassioned arguments against this experiment, and also taking into account the qualities of the Glorantha Digest and HeroQuest-RPG lists. The Glorantha Digest This list doesn't propose to replace the GD. I personally think that there's little wrong with the current organisation of the GD. I like the fact that it's in the Digest format, and I agree with those who feel that this format encourages a more reflective kind of discussion, one that I personally enjoy. GD-type threads belong on the GD and should be taken there, not posted here. HeroQuest-RPG Again, there's nothing drastically wrong with the Rules of the Road, nor with the purpose of the list. I agree that it **needs** to be newbie-friendly, and that therefore threads involving OOP sources and other obscure stuff don't belong there. I agree with Graham that simple questions, such as the recent "how many clans?" question, can usually be answered there. Threads not involving OOP sources and other obscure stuff can be taken to HeroQuest-RPG, and shouldn't be posted here. Fragmentation Mark made a strong case against fragmentation. I agree with most of his comments, and I don't think that separate lists focussing on separate regions and cultures can be viable, except in special cases. This list isn't intended to fragment the community. The GD and HeroQuest-RPG lists should remain the basic discussion lists for the Tribe. This list is mainly intended as a safety net to catch any threads that may be inappropriate for those lists. Such threads are a small minority. HeroQuestDaily So, what should be posted here ? 1) Medium depth stuff, not within the mandate of HeroQuest-RPG, that you need quick response for. Example: how to use obscure Rune metals in HeroQuest games. Inappropriate for HeroQuest-RPG as the question involves OOP sources, but inappropriate for the GD because of the slow turnaround of the list, and also because you might not be interested in the levels of obscurity that your question might engender. If you're told to take it to the Digest, and don't wish to, you can take it here instead. OTOH if you *are* interested in the truly obscure aspects, then by all means take it to the GD. 2) Anything anyone suggests should be taken to private e-mail can be discussed here, unless it's a flame war. Flame wars, as always, belong on OpenHeroWars. Above all, this **isn't** an Anything Goes list. It is intended as a recipient of any spillover from the GD and HeroQuest-RPG lists, anything that for whatever reason those lists fail to address. I would like to make it clear to everyone that I'm not blaming anyone for anything. Graham, Jeff, and Nick are doing a splendid job moderating the other lists, and I appreciate their efforts. I don't anticipate that this list will be a very active one, because I don't anticipate that there will be much spillover from the other lists. But there will IMO be *some* ; the mandate of this list is to be a catch-all for that spillover. It is an experiment, and I don't know if it will work or not. If it isn't viable, it will be killed. We'll see. cheers, Julian Lord --__--__-- End of Glorantha Digest
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