>Orlanth is Dead talks about the title event being felt differently
>outside of Dragon Pass, but it really doesn't say how. I suppose few
>people run games in Ralios or Umathela (both mentioned as being
>affected), but Prax is fairly common, and OiD doesn't mention what
>happens there.
My thinking is that the hole is a new centre of the World Storm. When created, the Winds around it (excluding independent storms) stop confused and then try and to align themselves as they do with the old centre. The first gusts are confused and uncertain as they don't know which way they ought to blow. The winds at the edge of the world finally work it out and begin to pick up speed followed by the winds further in. When the winds finally reach Dragon Pass, it's the Brastalos moment at the Battle of Iceland and the Winds blow free again.
--Peter Metcalfe
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