>To write this bit, I'm going to have to figure out what goes on inside the
>of one of these ladies. Jokes aside, what makes them tick? What makes them
>decide to be such extreme fanatics?
Extreme alienation from society. Normal Dark Earth worshippers that like waving axes around worship Erantha Gor.
>How do they feel about other people: men, women, other types of warrior?
They feel uneasy around them at best. Men are seem as possible earth defilers while women are resent for enjoying a happiness that the Babeester can never know.
>How do they get on with their companions?
What companions?
>How do their parents feel about them, and vice versa?
The happiest possible relationship would occur when the parents are dead.
>Do they ever wish they'd chosen some other career?
They wish they had a choice.
--Peter Metcalfe
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