Great conflict!
If this was in my campaign I'd forbid it unless the player can come up with some sort of justification. Playing a Lunar among the Orlanthi would be like playing an American among the Taliban.
>He also
>seems keen on keeping his current character (an
I don't believe that the Lunar's would have any more use for a Eurmal initiate than anyone else.
>I am starting to
>wonder about starting a new thread in which he
>might gain the option of
>working as a Lunar agent within the current
>campaign, probably without the
>other players knowledge.
This secret information is always possible of course. Liek when I had a woman knight running around with the other Pendragon knights. Big secret, lots of fun, but basically difficult as hell to play.
>So the question becomes how to bring this thread in
>to being. Of the
>various instrumentalities of the Empire, only the
>Unspoken Word seems
>likely to have any use for a rogue trickster with
>connections to powerful
>Orlanthi rebels. But I can't find very much about
>them - beyond the obvious
>black op kind of reputation.
Make it up. You have a situation that defines all normalcy (though not, of course, normal player characters.) One thing I would do, as a narrator, is let the guy do what he wants but always remember that the Lunars with whom he works would be more than willing to sell him out at a moment's notice. That is, the narrator ought to be ready to betray the player character for whatever reason he wants. After all, the player character is betraying the group, the game in a sense, by having such a (potentially) disruptive character. Betrayal is a two edged klanth.
>Does anyone have any thoughts? How might they
>approach him?
They wouldn't, I think. He would have to go to them and convince them that a person who is dedicated to a lying, cheating shapeshifting disloyal god could have value.
>What could they
>offer him?
Anythign they want, because they wouldn't trust him an inch. I'd find out what the player character wanted and offer that. Anything at all. No Lunar is going to be foled to think a Trickster would hold any truth at all.
>What might be their motives and/or tasks
>for him? (He has
>connections to several rebels, many leaders of the
>Greydog clan, and an
>indirect connection to Kallyr and the resistance.)
With connections like that they'd do whatever they could to exploit him mercilessly and do as amuch damage as possible to the rebel cause.
As you can tell, I have pretty stong ideas of what a trickster is like, and especially wha tother people think of them. I find them to be useless as player characters. The players so often think it is celver and cool to be one, but without understanding the ramifications of being part of a god that is based on disorder and illution. Eurmal ain't the guy who loves to give a hotfoot at a wedding. It's a guy who is fated to betray and destroy his friends DESPITE HIMSELF.
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