The reason I ask: I was tinkering with Pavic Orlanthi, and wondered if they have Kolatings. Is Kolat specific to (tied to) the winds of Dragon Pass? There are so many spirits in Prax, I thought they might have something other than Kolatings hovering around the edges of their tulas (well, excepting the nomads, chaos critters, etc.).
Admittedly Kolat has specific ties to the Storm Tribe, unlike most/all of the spirits of Prax, and distance alone probably doesn't mean much on the Spirit Plane. He is also 'the wind,' so unlike a river spirit, frex, he has no definite material association. Perhaps like Dagaralobran/Oakfed, he is already known in Prax, by a different name? But that wouldn't matter to Sartari transplants. Hmm.
OK, so the Sartari follow Dorasar and settle Pavis County. Maybe some Kolatings even follow them (but I would doubt it - they don't seem like homesteaders). Later, when a child discovers they're called to be a shaman, where do they go to learn the tradition? All the way back to Dragon Pass? Or do they latch on to something local (from a dangerous nomad shaman - ouch)? Or maybe the animist tradition dies out among the Pavics?
Sorry, this is pretty unfocused. I'm still arguing the ramifications back and forth with myself, as you can probably tell. Even so, these lists have been a great inspiration thus far, so I'd like to know what you think of the idea.
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