>>-But I am thinking in some places where 'normal' people share some 'mystical >>believings' with Real-True, etc. Mystics, as in the real world. They really >>believe in a sort of Trascendence or Liberation nor material nor immaterial >>(say, Tao, Nirvana or Ouroboros, Durapdur), but they do not follow a true >>mystical path. Sure they practice 'normal' magic as theism, but probably, >>they have some sort of mystical believing and magic. And, which is >>important, they are playable. Probably a bad analogy: common worshiper vs. >>Devotee.
I agree fully, but add that while this acknowledgement of mysticism doesn't make Vithelan religion mystic, it will certainly affect it in various ways (to be determined).
So, what is this schmysticism? :-)
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