Maybe it is not wise to reveal it without original author's permission, I updated the lost and gregged (but good) page temporally to my site,
1991 Steve Maurer (Through detailing trend of Glorantha, you can find much non-lunarized Peloria in ILH-2 and many Greg's materials since Pelorian Trilogy. But I think some of non official but excellent stuff like Life of Moonson seems to be based on it. I don't think Official Material is always better than that of Unofficial.)
If you think it is not appropriate or against good sense, I will remove it without hesitation.
And I have finished 2/3 of translation of the Imperial Economy in Four Scrolls of Revelation (Martin Laurie) to japanese for personal use. Maybe I should ask Martin and Mark Galeotti about making it open to public, but maybe it is difficult for it includes some of fragments that is still likely to be used for future material, like Currency of Empire section and Mark's "Crime and Punishment". (ILH-1, Moon Rites)
Some of Comment and Question:
"Currencies" and Kralorela: It seems that Martin referred Gerald Bosch's
Note and expanded it.
Satrapies: I found an error, not Kostaddi, but Karasal.
Dara Happa: about their relationship to their puritan? attitude to usury and their association and leagues?
Appropriate Translation: As in RW China, in Byzantine Empire, the change from tax in kind to cash payment caused social problem. (Georg Ostrogorsky: Geschichte des Byzantinischen Staates) And in Japanese, it is needed to fix the word to word base from english ambiguous word: tribute.
Provincial Government: Five Books = Each Five Kingdoms? Inner Imther and Aggar might be less civilized than Sartar, aren't they? How about their tax?
Lunar Synod: In RW, bill was invented firstly in China. But Glorantha is not RW.
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