> I'd like something that is probably much cheaper to produce,
> A scenario book with everything (or at least 90%) of King of Dragon Pass.
> Include all of the minor scenarios, and a whole bunch of charts
> saying scenario A leads to B leads to C, with branch points and rough
> probabilities.
I'm actually planning to extract some of the material for an article in Tradetalk magazine.
Until then, KoDP has very minimal system requirements, so it will run on 5 year old operating systems, which is pretty rare for a computer game these days.
> I'd also love a coffee table book with the art. ("you discover a duck
> village, here is what it looks like")
I suspect this would be way too expensive to produce and sell.
-- David Dunham A Sharp david_at_a-sharp.com Voice/Fax: 206 783 7404 http://a-sharp.com Spare no expense to make everything as economical as possible --Samuel Goldwyn --__--__--
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