>I think that's an overy RQish (or if you prefer, Heortling/Praxian)
way of
>looking at things, isn't it? Lunars clearly don't think chaos is the
>one enemy. Elves have always been buddy-buddy with Nysalor. ("He's
>but he's *soo shiny*!") Kralorelans think the whole Order/Chaos
thing is
>bondage to the world of illusion, or somesuch--and Dragons seem to
feel the
>same way. (Way back when, "Cults of Terror" commented on the "famous
>neutrality between Order and Chaos", or somethng like that.)
I think most Lunars would put broo, scorpion men, even the Bat near the top of their "do not invite for dinner" list, even higher than trolls and sartarites. Obviously not everyone worries about chaos all the time, and some people in Glroantha don't think about it at all, I don't think that's realy the issue.
>I don't think anyone much likes Broos, or the cult of Krarsht--but
>in most of the world they don't see "broos" and "Krarsht" as being
part of a
>united destroy-the-universe team.
I think destroying the universe is usualy such a remote idea that it's only realy worried about by people who think too much, like scholars, philosophers and digest subscribers. There are more pressign things to worry about than that. Take Dara Happans for example. If the Pentans (spit) conquered Dara Happa they'd get over it, heck they already have several times, but if the Cult of Krarsht took over, the empire would never recover. Dara Happan culture would be gone forever, eaten out and thoroughly corrupted from the core outwards.
The same goes for trolls. They know they can co-exist with humans and profit from doing so. In kethaela they actualy ruled entire human nations (or at least dominated them) for a thousand years. A similar thing happened in Ralios. Try doing that with broo, or scorpion people, or any other form of chaos. Any troll that thinks about this will realise that fairly quickly. They've plenty of experience of dealing with and fighting humans, and plenty of experience fighting chaos, and they're not stupid.
Simon Hibbs
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