Well, if it comes to that, if the Kingdom of War took over, that'd destroy the Dara Happans just as thoroughly and a lot more quickly. On the other hand, if the Ogres took over, it'd just mean that the top rank of aristocracy liked to murder their enemies and eat them, as opposed to the current situation, where the aristocrats murder their enemies and throw the bodies away (wasteful!). And if the Seven Mothers took over... well, they already did!
Some chaos groups are horrible, corrupting, destroy-the-country evil. Some are bush-league evil. And some, it seems, aren't evil at all (like a lot of Nysalorans). Krarsht is an extreme case, since it's a cult specifically bent on screwing things up--though even then, it's subtle and long-term screwage. For all we know, Krarsht may *already* be running Dara Happa--it'll just take a thousand years for the effects to show!
(I wonder how Zorak Zoran feels about ogres? Murderous, eat their enemies, worship a demon... heck, they're practically family!)
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