>From: Simon Hibbs <Simon.Hibbs_at_marconi.com>
>> From: "Andrew Solovay" <asolovay_at_rubberducky.com>
>> I guess we could clarify it thus--would you describe modern Persians (or
>> Arabs) as "white guys"? I'm prepared to believe that ancient Greeks were
>> *that* dark, and with that much variation (there are some very pale
>> Arabs).
>I can testify to this, many people in arabia are no darker than my own
>uncles and cousins (on my mother's side which is a little darker than
>my own blond, blue eyedness). I'm not sure how recent this is though.
Equally some people of european ancestry are distinctly brown, especially after a bit of sunbathing. That's a lot darker than most arabs, similar to Indian colouration although that in turn is very variable. As far as I can see Nordic and Negro colourations are just the extremes of an adaption to different levels of sunlight which is mixed up every time there is a population movement. The same is probably true in Glorantha although mythical elements will be more important than sunlight.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ --__--__-- End of Glorantha Digest
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