> > I think aldryami, being longer-lived than humans, would tend to take
>> the long view of things. They would be well aware of cycles.
> > There might well be dissension, however, and it could easily be on
> > "class" lines. (Though I thought trees often survive fires, while
>> it's the smaller stuff that burns off.)
> No ; but some trees grow faster than others, and I think that's where
> the difference lies.
> Green Elves living in pine forests (southern European pine) might allow it,
> for instance, as their forests would grow back in about a single (human)
> generation. Those associated with olive groves, or Brown Elves associated
> with oak forests for example, certainly wouldn't.
Anything with a plausible explanation should work, but I'm fairly sure that some trees propagate ONLY due to fire, so it would probably be hard for humans to figure out which elves would accept it.
And if oaks are the sort that frequently survive cleaning out the undergrowth, they wouldn't necessarily mind, either.
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein --__--__--
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