Ah, do the Orlanthi accept (sorely) this fact? Or do they have secret courts?
> Secondly where did the duel take place?
In New Pavis.
> Legally the Lunars do not believe that being tainted
> with chaos merits the death penalty. The city
> courts
> might be more sympathetic but they are unlikely
> to accept that as a defence for fear of retribution
> by
> the Lunars.
Lunars and Pavisite are not aware of the Destori being involved. He flew with the head of Garreth (for eventual divinations). Lunars blamed the Thanatar cult of the Rubble for the act.
> The traitor was part of Argrath's band. Is Garreth
> part
> of the Destori's band or merely an NPC?
He is part of the same band (Cold Wind). He is an ally of the Destori's Patron (in game Terms). The Patron is Krogar Wolfhelm, but Krogar was not present at the duel.
Degan Stormson, another member of the secret Cold Wind band, was present and can testify pro the Destori hero.
The leader of the Band (Argrath Maniskisson) is currently unavailable...
> Under heortling law, deaths in battle are excluded
> from weregild (TR p42) and I presume deaths from
> duels are also exempt.
I am not so sure.
> Why should he purify himself? Killing isn't
> against Orlanth's laws.
Because he doesn't killed an outlaw: he didn't give to Garreth the opportunity to be judged.
> >Finally, is the Destori kin to the Storm Voice who
> >initiated him, according to heortling law?
> No. Kinship is primarily through family and clan
> ties. One can acquire kinship through many
> ways (such as marriage) but mere initiation alone
> is not sufficient.
Thanks, that was not clear to me.
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