At long last, the single-file version of HeroQuest Voices is available.
Both to save on bandwidth and to broaden the book's audience, it will be
hosted on the Pen & Paper website instead of <>. Both
print resolution and screen resolution versions are available from
<> (select "Downloads" in the left navigation menu, then
"HeroQuest" from the list). The separate files (each containing the
narratives for a single homeland) will continue to be available from the
official Glorantha site.
The single-file version of HeroQuest Voices includes a complete index of the contents, as well as two additional illustrations. Minor corrections have been made throughout the book as well.
Pen & Paper is a fan site dedicated to providing information on current and upcoming RPG products and the people who create them. Key features include the RPG Database, which currently includes product info and credits for over 4,000 products; an art gallery featuring nearly 100 gaming illustrators and over 2,500 total images; and a schedule of upcoming RPG releases. You can also find news, reviews, message boards, and the annual Pen & Paper Fan Awards.
Stephen Martin
Issaries, Inc., publisher of HeroQuest, Roleplaying in Glorantha
P.O. Box 272914 Concord, CA 94527
Phone: (925) 680-8897
See our extensive web site at <>
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