>Me>The original Ramalians were not pig-folk and the Harandings
> >dwelt to the Northeast.
>Hmm. That's not how I interpret Shannon's Kingdom of Night part 1 in
>Tradetalk 4: "one faction began to war against the hsunchen Entruli,
The article is in-voice and not accurate in parts. For example, the Entruli are not and have never been Hsunchen. We now know there were other peoples in the region such as the Helerings and the Lopers.
Arcane Lore p80 gives the following inhabitants of the Hancheros Sea from which Sevid and other lands were reclaimed:
The Waertagi "endless dragons full of demons" The Voti, unknown The Helerings "in endless waves of blue people" Orafoda's Troll Fleet The Helering Greatship Sorolovos with tentacles at its maw The bird headed tribe, and the Helerings once again.
All of these people will have left their traces in Slontos.
>drivingn four of the Entruli tribes -- the Ramali, the Heerili, the
>Maniri, and the Weneli
Who are not pig people but worship a number of animal totems.
>-- out of Kethaela and west into Slontos.
Except that we now have other sources. Thunder Rebels shows the lands west and southwest of Kethaela during the Late Vingkotling Age as:
Adoren "Occupied by the Durevings" Bilon "Occupied by the Durevings" Sevid "which Orlanth recovered from the waters and gave to Ernalda, his wife" Selus "occupied by the Aluthorings" Velun no occupants listed
No mention of the Entruli. One could say that Sevid, next to Kethaela, is the home of the Entruli but that leaves the lands further west as being occupied by non-pig people.
If we attempt a match with the first age map of Slontos and modern Maniria then the possible linkages are:
Adoren - Wenelia - Wenelian Islands Bilon - Herelia - Wenelian Islands Selus - south of the Ryzel - New Fens Sevid - north of Wenelia - Wenelia Velun - Ramalia - Ramalia
If one tries to interpret the reclaimed lands as lying further east then one runs into problems in that during the period in question, Malkion is living in New Malkonwal on the borders of the Faralinthor Sea (Revealed Mythologies p12).
>distinction might be difficult to see at times, as it's implied in
>Anaxial's Roster that the ancestor of all Ramalian pigs is Mralota.
So they are. That doesn't mean that Harandings or the Entruli are Hsunchen or that the Ramalians were pig-worshippers at the Dawn.
>Calling all of them "hsunchen" might not be strictly accurate
>(though it might have been so at 0 ST),
Calling the Harandings Hsunchen in 0 ST is even more inaccurate than it is now. At the Dawn, the Hsunchen were only found in the Shanshan mountains.
--Peter Metcalfe
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